A lovely sign from our local butcher shop- Billy's Meats. Apparently spelling is not a strong point of Billy's employees.... or maybe there is a new hybrid meat-think known as a 'chinken'. It should be served with the boiled 'Peauts' down the road. (that is *way* to many vowels strung together for anyone!)
I could never spell. Has to do with having an excellent memory- I would just memorize the words for spelling tests and never really *learn* them. Same thing for math. I love words, and I love the theories behind math, but I can't *do* it to save my life.... one of those things. Good thing I have other talents to fall back on.
Writing these blogs is harder than I thought. I want to do it, and heaven's knows that I have plenty to say about everything- I love to write, and think, and take billions of photographs. I love to share my life with everyone because it helps me feel closer to you, and I'm not-so-great at communicating in person (I get shy, or distracted, or awkward or wah wah wah) anyhoo, I am committed to it, and I am (once again) vowing to do better- because it is important to me that I have a voice... that sounds all psychobabbleish but anyhoo, it works for me. I've always kept diaries, journals, sketchbooks (and every single letter anyone has ever written me. really!)
Ariel told my fortune yesterday- she is studying divination for her senior project- and it came up like this (just a simple 3 card spread, but quite good. yay for Ariel!) Issue wise there is the state of being intellectually overwhelmed, and action wise I am spending all my time trying to control that. What I need to do to resolve the problem is to remember that the emotional and physical parts of my life are important to- without everything being in balance, I topple over. So- after a long dramatic day yesterday- where I accomplished lots but returned home exhausted- I took the evening off. The manz made this yummy chicken dinner, we watched a fun movie, he made me a blender drink (rare and special treat for a weekday!) and I just relaxed. Didn't even draw, didn't even take Evie out of my maggie bag. Just relaxed, then slept like a rock. I needed that.
This sounds so narcissistic- all about me, my stress, what I need, how wonderful kind the man is to me- but it does have relevance, I think. For everyone. We all have times where we forget to balance work and play (and it doesn't matter which one is out of whack- to much play is just as stressful as to much work), we forget to take good care of the people and animals that love us. We forget to take good care of ourselves, fueling up with junk food or to much coffee- not resting or resting to much. Melissa says 'everything in moderation'. Those are some wise words-