BOO! It's that time of the year again! October- which means pumpkins and ghost stories, witches and candles, yard shows and skeletons all about. I have been telling the manz about how much I love Halloween- it's my favorite holiday (well, it is right now- ) anyway, I've been dragging him through the Halloween stuff every time we are at Walmart. When his back was messed up, I put his prescriptions in a plastic punkin along with some chocolates and black licorice... cure for the ills. Every time I went on about it though he would just kinda laugh and roll his eyes (silly woman, I thought he was thinking)....
Last night we went to Angel's Auctions out in Atkinson, and he acquired the things for proper yard show. Light up skeletons and pumpkins and a ghost- some of the old plastic pumpkins (you can tell they are old because the color isn't faded, the expressions are a bit different and the plastic is very thick)....and a string of Frankenstein lights. How awesome is that?? Then today he worked on hauling a bunch of stuff out of the rose room in order to fight his way into the scary closet and retrieve my big Tupperware of Halloween stuff. We are getting ready for the season, and -as you see- Squirt is cooperating. The spiders have made some lovely real webs all across the outside porch (I protect spider webs! These are big and lovely, thanks to the yellow garden spider and the tiny black and white crab spider) so we are ready to haunt it up!
I suppose all this love of Halloween comes from growing up in Pa- Daddy always decorated the porch and made my costume (Bigfoot, Headless Horseman...) drove all over the country out by Headacher for trick-or-treat. We'd go downtown for the big Halloween parade- none of this 'Havest fest' or other watered down stuff, it was a full-on costumed creepy parade with tons of candy thrown (and freezing parents. It always snowed, and one memorable occasion I dumped hot chocolate on Daddy's head. Ah Jeeze!) Glosser's would have all the windows painted- teams from the local high schools would compete for the best window- I was on the team a few times... everyone told the local ghost stories, and everyone believed them. (still do).....
1 comment:
Daddy would transform the porch at Headacher into Halloween Land. Even Rosco would be in costume!!
Thanks for the memories, LS!!
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