Turrello enjoying Dad's chair- he looks like a cow boy, eh? It's a special bond between Cat-Dad-Chair.....
Anyway, am back to school now, full steam ahead. Which means that until I adjust my schedual it's a bit like surfing in heavy water...you are thinking that you finally got it- stand up on the board- and WHOOM the next wave comes along and knocks you on your butt. So it's mad fun, but your always getting waved. I'll find my rythum soon tho, and things will be less hectic.
I have good intentions to be more balanced this year- but so far to balance I've been waking up at 4 (sometimes 3:30) not on purpose but just because I wake up and my mind starts racing with 'to do' and 'ideas'. It's ok, because I am such a morning person...and if I work at this hour I can relax and rest when I get home after school. Snuggle with the manz, draw things, watch shows, read a little. That works out. With my new energy levels (YAY) I can stay up until 9 or so, and wake early and be not-tired. But I want to be careful and not burn out- it's only week two!
School is going fine though- my classes are filled with pretty happy kids, a few girls-with-attitudes (they still model the eyerolling and the 'tshuh' noise when asked to do anything. I'm better at eyerolling than they are, and I just say 'yeaaaaah' or act odd - pirate noise- and it startles them into shape. I gave up being 'cool' long ago- I'm just me!) , an exchange student from China and assorted other miscreants. College classes are filled with freshman, who mainly use our 'discussion board' to try to hook up "You play soccccerrrr? WOW! I looooove soccer." (say it like it's pretty-girl voice, add visuals of hair twirling) (no, I'm not picking on the girls- but seriously- they write like this, and the guys- well, they discuss baseball. or football.) My classes are intense, but just because they are in the science/math department so there are actualy deadlines (!) and they are full of people who know-more-and-have-cooler-technology than me. It's ok though- I'll be fine.
Now, the manz is putting up with this beautifully... even though it's a 180 transistion from 'wife-at-home-doing-nothing' which was all summer to 'wife-in-high-gear'. He just maintains his zen like calm and good humor, does his manz-stuff and let's me range. How did I get so lucky?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
School Daze!
Me @ School, on the first day, during homeroom. I had just sprung back up (notice the attempt at the cheerleader stance) after falling flat on my butt in my teacher shoes. My new FLAT teacher shoes.....sigh. Anyway, that explains the bit of dishevelment. (who am I kidding? I'm always disheveled!)
Been a few days since I've written- school, work, school-that-is-work- all starting at once of course. Hit the ground running and all that. (Seriously, I don't know how the manz puts up with it). But I had an excellent first day, topped off with surprises from the manz- magnetic letters, sticky-put-it-up-stuff, cool old scissors with weird bits, brass leaves~ more.... and then out to dinner for fish tacos. Heaven!
Rest of the week flew by, and now it's Friday~ hooray for Friday~ and I am ready to sit and talk and watch House with my beloved.....mmm... so nice to have someone to come home to!
Been a few days since I've written- school, work, school-that-is-work- all starting at once of course. Hit the ground running and all that. (Seriously, I don't know how the manz puts up with it). But I had an excellent first day, topped off with surprises from the manz- magnetic letters, sticky-put-it-up-stuff, cool old scissors with weird bits, brass leaves~ more.... and then out to dinner for fish tacos. Heaven!
Rest of the week flew by, and now it's Friday~ hooray for Friday~ and I am ready to sit and talk and watch House with my beloved.....mmm... so nice to have someone to come home to!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Nappy Time
The room is set up, and clean, papers printed and organized (waiting for my turn at the xerox)... still have a million things to do before tomorrow but it is dark in here, and cool, and raining hard outside....the forbidden futon is calling me for a nap (it's still here as I haven't figured out how to get it gone yet~)
Thing is, lately I've been abundant plus with energy- bouncing (literally) off the walls, cleaning, organizing, thinking, presenting. Waking up in the middle of the night restless. I'm a champion sleeper, so that is really odd for me... I have been wondering if it is because I am feeling better physically, or if it's the steroids I've taken for the ivy (almost finished with those) or just keyed-up-ed-ness in general. probably all of the above.
But then *whoosh* the wind is out of my sails at 12:00, I decided to go for a walk and that is when I discovered it's pouring down rain. I wandered about school for a bit, but everyone has vanished or taken the day off. (How can you take the day before school starts off? I've been here for 15 years and I'm still never quite ready for day one~). So I ate my yumbo and drank my toxic water and I'm still sleepy. And thus I am sharing my sleepy with all of you... perhaps just a half hour..... (Charles, if you read this and I'm not home yet, call school and wake me up!)
Thing is, lately I've been abundant plus with energy- bouncing (literally) off the walls, cleaning, organizing, thinking, presenting. Waking up in the middle of the night restless. I'm a champion sleeper, so that is really odd for me... I have been wondering if it is because I am feeling better physically, or if it's the steroids I've taken for the ivy (almost finished with those) or just keyed-up-ed-ness in general. probably all of the above.
But then *whoosh* the wind is out of my sails at 12:00, I decided to go for a walk and that is when I discovered it's pouring down rain. I wandered about school for a bit, but everyone has vanished or taken the day off. (How can you take the day before school starts off? I've been here for 15 years and I'm still never quite ready for day one~). So I ate my yumbo and drank my toxic water and I'm still sleepy. And thus I am sharing my sleepy with all of you... perhaps just a half hour..... (Charles, if you read this and I'm not home yet, call school and wake me up!)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Welcome to Paradise!
Happy Monday Everyone! Sometimes you just have to share the special, special start to your day... it makes it easier to have some humor about it.
So anyway, everyone knows that our AC is broken- and last night there was a humongous storm, thunder/lightening/downpour....lovely and I fell asleep at once. Then I woke up at 11 all hot and itchy, was up for hours watching Hoarders then finally playing computer Mah-jong. Which shows absolute no-sleep desperation. Ok- so today is a loooooong day at school because we have open house until 7:30. It's doable because *hey* there is AC at school (abandoning cranky manz and doggs and cat to hothouse)! I have a school-spirit photo-op backdrop painting to knock out this am so I have on my comfy jeans- but I brought along the appropriate dress/heels for tonight. Professional and all that, plus saving gas money (no trips home- we are waiting on ECU to pay me.... argh.) Anyhoo, all good to go- right?
Well, for starters I'm mostly down the road when I realize that I have forgotten: the camera, the pictures for the library and to make arrangements to get rid of the broken futon today. It's ok, can cope- will borrow camera from media center, bring the pictures tomorrow and somehow deal with the futon (am magic that way). I pull into my bright shiny new parking place (I miss being #1, but #8 is lucky!), scoop up my armfuls of stuff (maggie bag + tote bag + lunch bag + Noah's painting + dress clothes) and head down the side walk. We are building an auditorium, so the sidewalk is a bit rough in places, and unexpectedly reaches up and grabs you.... SPLOOSH! down I went into a ginormous mud puddle. Minor skinning of toes, wrecking of freshly applied polish- not a big deal. But my jeans are soaked, I landed on my dress clothes, the lid of my okra came off and I have yumbo spilt all over my lunch bag inners.... but the Maggie bag and computer landed on top of me so that is a goood thing!
Here I am in my office, which is a balmy 65 degrees (do I have a sweater? noooo....only one covered in mud puddle ick). I am running my dress/sweater through the school washer (hoping that it won't come out smelling like a football jersey). I am just dealing with my jeans- they'll probably be dry by the time my dress is done. What I would really like to do is go home, take another shower and try again- but instead I'll just keep camping on- at least it makes for an entertaining start to the year!!!
So anyway, everyone knows that our AC is broken- and last night there was a humongous storm, thunder/lightening/downpour....lovely and I fell asleep at once. Then I woke up at 11 all hot and itchy, was up for hours watching Hoarders then finally playing computer Mah-jong. Which shows absolute no-sleep desperation. Ok- so today is a loooooong day at school because we have open house until 7:30. It's doable because *hey* there is AC at school (abandoning cranky manz and doggs and cat to hothouse)! I have a school-spirit photo-op backdrop painting to knock out this am so I have on my comfy jeans- but I brought along the appropriate dress/heels for tonight. Professional and all that, plus saving gas money (no trips home- we are waiting on ECU to pay me.... argh.) Anyhoo, all good to go- right?
Well, for starters I'm mostly down the road when I realize that I have forgotten: the camera, the pictures for the library and to make arrangements to get rid of the broken futon today. It's ok, can cope- will borrow camera from media center, bring the pictures tomorrow and somehow deal with the futon (am magic that way). I pull into my bright shiny new parking place (I miss being #1, but #8 is lucky!), scoop up my armfuls of stuff (maggie bag + tote bag + lunch bag + Noah's painting + dress clothes) and head down the side walk. We are building an auditorium, so the sidewalk is a bit rough in places, and unexpectedly reaches up and grabs you.... SPLOOSH! down I went into a ginormous mud puddle. Minor skinning of toes, wrecking of freshly applied polish- not a big deal. But my jeans are soaked, I landed on my dress clothes, the lid of my okra came off and I have yumbo spilt all over my lunch bag inners.... but the Maggie bag and computer landed on top of me so that is a goood thing!
Here I am in my office, which is a balmy 65 degrees (do I have a sweater? noooo....only one covered in mud puddle ick). I am running my dress/sweater through the school washer (hoping that it won't come out smelling like a football jersey). I am just dealing with my jeans- they'll probably be dry by the time my dress is done. What I would really like to do is go home, take another shower and try again- but instead I'll just keep camping on- at least it makes for an entertaining start to the year!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Hot, hot, hot!
Canton, Texas- on the way home we stopped at the huge 'first Monday' market. Flea market paradise, even at above 100 degrees..... except this snowman didn't seem so very fond of the heat~ (doesn't it look like he is crying sad, sad green tears? Why would anyone spray paint a snowman's eyes green? hummmm).... anyway, we are going through our own personal hot spell.
It's not just the outside heat, it began with the car. Traveller car was perky and cool all throughout the journey, but once home the air conditioning started acting up, warming up, then finally overheating and dying altogether. Meanwhile, the house was kinda warmish, but we attributed that to the save-energy-power-cycling program of the energy company, the unusually hot temps/ no rain weather we have had, and just the general hotness of our personal good looks (ha!). But then the AC stopped working altogether Friday night...... and it's something that the manz can't fix, so it's complicated- and it's the weekend, and the expected money has yet to arrive. So we are making the best of the heat- in our chairs, with fans and lots of cold beverages.... but the cat is funny.
Turrello has always been an inside cat. We found him ONE YEAR AGO TODAY! yay! But he has been spoiled- life has been all tuna sprinkles and recliners, napping in the beard and tormenting the doggs. And airconditioning. He likes to hang out by the fans anyway, but he doesn't understand this thing called 'hot'. Keeps wandering over to the air vents, peering down them, waiting for a breeze. Attempts to roll on his back on the kitchen floor and spread eagle (Just like Bear) but that doesn't seem comfy for cats. Can't snuggle in the beard, or on the bed, and fresh warm laundry is just not the same.....life is hard.
It's not just the outside heat, it began with the car. Traveller car was perky and cool all throughout the journey, but once home the air conditioning started acting up, warming up, then finally overheating and dying altogether. Meanwhile, the house was kinda warmish, but we attributed that to the save-energy-power-cycling program of the energy company, the unusually hot temps/ no rain weather we have had, and just the general hotness of our personal good looks (ha!). But then the AC stopped working altogether Friday night...... and it's something that the manz can't fix, so it's complicated- and it's the weekend, and the expected money has yet to arrive. So we are making the best of the heat- in our chairs, with fans and lots of cold beverages.... but the cat is funny.
Turrello has always been an inside cat. We found him ONE YEAR AGO TODAY! yay! But he has been spoiled- life has been all tuna sprinkles and recliners, napping in the beard and tormenting the doggs. And airconditioning. He likes to hang out by the fans anyway, but he doesn't understand this thing called 'hot'. Keeps wandering over to the air vents, peering down them, waiting for a breeze. Attempts to roll on his back on the kitchen floor and spread eagle (Just like Bear) but that doesn't seem comfy for cats. Can't snuggle in the beard, or on the bed, and fresh warm laundry is just not the same.....life is hard.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Got da Goat!
I love this goat! (even though I painted it myself- I'm in love!) It was one of those magic art moments- I had this square canvas hanging in the kitchen forever, with a half done painting on it by someone else. While I liked the half done painting, it was time to move along- and I grabbed up this canvas at the spur of the moment this morning.
The other week we had been out to the Barnyard Antique place in Burgaw, and I had taken some photos of their goats- including this fellow. On another whim, I printed this photo off (along with the usual buildings and tractors) as something to paint today during the roadshow.
After I painted out the previous picture and did the background colors, the goat just started painting itself! Seriously, it was like magic- it just took on shape and personality very quickly and in about an hour~ wala! I kept laughing the whole time I was painting because it was such a silly goat, and because it was so fun to just be out in the sunshine with the manz, relaxing and painting. Boy is back off to school, my presentation yesterday went well, my room is all set up and I feel FANTASTIC! It is so nice to be full of energy and ideas and just- relaxed in a way I haven't been for months. I promise to keep taking it slower- but WOW what a difference feeling good in the body can make. I feel good enough to..... paint a goat!
The other week we had been out to the Barnyard Antique place in Burgaw, and I had taken some photos of their goats- including this fellow. On another whim, I printed this photo off (along with the usual buildings and tractors) as something to paint today during the roadshow.
After I painted out the previous picture and did the background colors, the goat just started painting itself! Seriously, it was like magic- it just took on shape and personality very quickly and in about an hour~ wala! I kept laughing the whole time I was painting because it was such a silly goat, and because it was so fun to just be out in the sunshine with the manz, relaxing and painting. Boy is back off to school, my presentation yesterday went well, my room is all set up and I feel FANTASTIC! It is so nice to be full of energy and ideas and just- relaxed in a way I haven't been for months. I promise to keep taking it slower- but WOW what a difference feeling good in the body can make. I feel good enough to..... paint a goat!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Isn't it funny how the chairs look like us? His is lighter, taller, leaner- mine is the color of my hair (kinda), shorter, wider, curvy. I have been feeling short and curvy lately (I am curvy but not that short)- the manz sister Gail is visiting and I finally got to meet her- she is nice, and like the manz and his other sister impossibly tall and slim. Add younger and blond to the mix and you can get the whole willowy mix- very beautiful. The sisters shop all the time- the manz suggested on the way home from Texas that they may go shopping with me if I wanted to (I was bemoaning the lack of shopping companions- I only shop well with my Mother, sisters and Melissa). I could well imagine that scene- I've never set foot in a 5-7-9 store (not quite sure they would even let me in!) and I can lay dimes-to-dollars that these ladies have never explored the depths of Layne Bryant. Now, I do have a fair amount of self-esteem, but still and all-
Speaking of which, I am feeling so much better it is incredible. I have energy again and have been bouncing off the walls (it might be the steroids for the poison ivy, but I'm hoping it's just the return to old me). School has started back (yesterday was first teacher day) and I've been busy cleaning and organizing and going to endless meetings. Catching up with everyone. Boy is home from his vacation (excellent time had) and helping us out this week before he heads back down South- I was talking with the dad of one of his friends yesterday (Suzi)- it is impossible to believe still that all of our kids are this old. They were all restless and bored this summer, missing their independence and college-ways, ready to leave the nest for good. So for the boy that means back to school, then into an apartment at ECU- his bedroom is going to become the house library (for books and a desk), he will be in the Rose Room when he comes to visit. He is totally ok with this and thinks it's a good plan- I was long on my own at this age, but I still feel a twinge sending him off. It's a mum thing.
The manz has been busy putting up with the both of us- me bouncing around, watching Hoarders and deciding to clean the oddest things. And getting back into the work schedule. I didn't listen to the manz when buying the chair- he knew when to quit bidding to get the best price, but like I said, I get stubborn. I really wanted the chair, really wanted something that I liked - so much so that common sense flew out the door and I was more focused on attainment rather than need/quality/purpose and it suiting *him*. (I didn't even ask if leather was ok- I just *had to have that chair*) He is being an excellent sport about it- his whole philosophy is "It's to late now, so relax- just listen to me next time and let me 'drive the auction car'. And in the meantime, the cat loves it as much as me!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Poison Eye-V

Friday, August 13, 2010
Green Goddess! (Not so much~)
Here I am, a few days ago, off to conquer the front yarden. Stunning in my ponytails, gloves, apron and sneakers. A true Willard beauty queen! The grass did get mowed, the dogwood trimmed, the gladiola stalks cut back- but not without consequences.
I blame it all on 'Hoarders'. If you never watched that show, it's addictive in a train wreck sort of way. It focuses on people whose homes/yards/storages are so full of whatever that it is unlivable by normal standards. Basically the premise is the same for each show- they call in a team of experts including a clean up crew and psychologist. Sometimes animal control (those are the sad ones). The person usually is faced with a deadline- 2 days or face eviction/ arrest/ child protective services etc. The houses are amazingly cluttery- and I am a clutter-lover.
So, I was looking at the yarden, which was overgrown since our vacation, and the Rose Room which was packed with stuff. I started feeling a strong urge to get things at least a little bit 'ship shape' before school begins, so I dove right in. Vacation is a direct secondary cause of the cleaning spree. Most people, that is most normal people I know, have a 'junk' room in their house. Kind of a catch-all room for the overflow of things like wrapping paper, unused exercise equipment, presents waiting distribution, out of season clothing etc. For some odd reason, neither of my sisters or my mother have 'junk rooms'. As in they probably do not have junk drawers, or junk closets and I can attest that even their garages are organized. Growing up everything had it's place- except my room which tended to devolve into a giant uncontrolled mess until Mother laid down the law. Even my school desk was an overflowing desk-of-shame (I remember being exiled to the hallway to clean it during recess. That was ok as I wasn't really keen on recess). I confess that I have problems with the house getting the same way. The influx of stuff for sale, the things I hoard for art-making (not to mention works-in-progress and finished works with no homes..... what do other artists *do* with these things? I usually stuff them into closets and suitcases), and the fact that we still haven't settled into our style all adds to the confusion. And I won't even start on Grendel's room (the soon-to-be-library). He's in Vancouver so I can't really nag him about it, and I don't want him coming home to a mess (sets a bad example). sigh. June Cleaver I'm not.
Anyway, I do like to clean and organize. And I've always loved mowing the grass. The Rose Room is now clean (but what to do with a stack of quilts and my big box of curiosities?) and awaiting guests (hint, hint). The yarden is mowed but there was some mysterious something out there that has made me break out in hives. Big lumpy itchy red spots (my left eye is all swollen again, like it was with shingles but puffier and no blisters Thank-God) all over. I have resumed my pirate look, so we have a new theme for the Roadshow: Pirate and Cowboy Sell Furniture and Paint. No wonder people find us so funny!
I blame it all on 'Hoarders'. If you never watched that show, it's addictive in a train wreck sort of way. It focuses on people whose homes/yards/storages are so full of whatever that it is unlivable by normal standards. Basically the premise is the same for each show- they call in a team of experts including a clean up crew and psychologist. Sometimes animal control (those are the sad ones). The person usually is faced with a deadline- 2 days or face eviction/ arrest/ child protective services etc. The houses are amazingly cluttery- and I am a clutter-lover.
So, I was looking at the yarden, which was overgrown since our vacation, and the Rose Room which was packed with stuff. I started feeling a strong urge to get things at least a little bit 'ship shape' before school begins, so I dove right in. Vacation is a direct secondary cause of the cleaning spree. Most people, that is most normal people I know, have a 'junk' room in their house. Kind of a catch-all room for the overflow of things like wrapping paper, unused exercise equipment, presents waiting distribution, out of season clothing etc. For some odd reason, neither of my sisters or my mother have 'junk rooms'. As in they probably do not have junk drawers, or junk closets and I can attest that even their garages are organized. Growing up everything had it's place- except my room which tended to devolve into a giant uncontrolled mess until Mother laid down the law. Even my school desk was an overflowing desk-of-shame (I remember being exiled to the hallway to clean it during recess. That was ok as I wasn't really keen on recess). I confess that I have problems with the house getting the same way. The influx of stuff for sale, the things I hoard for art-making (not to mention works-in-progress and finished works with no homes..... what do other artists *do* with these things? I usually stuff them into closets and suitcases), and the fact that we still haven't settled into our style all adds to the confusion. And I won't even start on Grendel's room (the soon-to-be-library). He's in Vancouver so I can't really nag him about it, and I don't want him coming home to a mess (sets a bad example). sigh. June Cleaver I'm not.
Anyway, I do like to clean and organize. And I've always loved mowing the grass. The Rose Room is now clean (but what to do with a stack of quilts and my big box of curiosities?) and awaiting guests (hint, hint). The yarden is mowed but there was some mysterious something out there that has made me break out in hives. Big lumpy itchy red spots (my left eye is all swollen again, like it was with shingles but puffier and no blisters Thank-God) all over. I have resumed my pirate look, so we have a new theme for the Roadshow: Pirate and Cowboy Sell Furniture and Paint. No wonder people find us so funny!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Perfect Peaches, Better Butter Beans
Today's roadshow was long and hot- we started out early with a ton of stuff. I worked on the Penderlea painting all day, and the manz did his magic with the furniture- but it was a small-stuff day. We sold lots of table items but not as much furniture as we like to- but that's ok for there is tomorrow and Saturday to go.
Set up with us is our friends, Hazel and Tracy. Tracy is the fellow in the hat- Tracy is a guys name down here, like Marion, Stacy, Ashley and Francis. (Anthony is sometimes a girls name- just to let you know it works both ways). They are the funnest friends to set up with- Hazel laughs just as loud and as much as I do. She is a sweetheart who just returned to this area from New York (or New Jersey? one of those places) and stopped by to buy a bed frame from us. Then she came back and eventually started working with Tracy, shelling beans and peas. Mr. Tracy grows most of his own things- watermelons, tomatoes, okra, beans of all kinds- he also sells pie-gourds, peaches (the sweetest you can imagine) and those wonderful scuppernog and muscadine grapes that are grown here. In the afternoon they often cut up a whatever (sometimes melon, sometimes pears or apples or peaches) and share with us. We all look after each other, which is a good thing.
I was thinking about the Roadshow today- most people wouldn't consider it 'real work' but we work really hard at it- it's like moving house every week for several days. It's second nature to the man, and he moves the furniture himself (he is amazingly strong), I do mainly the boxes of stuff- packing, unpacking, packing. It's quite a workout, which I need. Then there are the extras- tent up and down, cleaning and repairing and displaying, buying and toting back, and the never-ending challenge of storage. And avoiding the threat of rain. We've been lucky so far- only once (knock on wood) were we rained on so hard that it damaged some furniture beyond hope (and- adding insult to injury- we had *just* bought that furniture- literally, less than an hour before). Today the manz made it back to Dad's barn with the trailer before it rained- it's pouring down now, thunder and lightening. Hopefully it will cool things off.
Even though the work is hard for this- I love it. Wouldn't trade it for the world- right now it offers us a freedom that a store wouldn't- not that we aren't still planning on having a store someday, but for right now- things are perfect and life is good.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
My Brilliant Idea!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Domestic Goddess
Today I am feeling quite the domestic goddess. Yesterday we did a heap o' nothing, but that's ok cause it's summer and resting is a good thing. When your tired, your tired- and I'm trying to take everyones advice to take it easy. But today is a different story- on Sunday we picked figs and tomatoes at Charles's Dad's house, then yesterday Dad stopped by with a huge bag full of figs from Uncle JP's, and another bag full of okra. Then Linda told Charles to pick all the pears off the tree we want- it's a bumper crop so he picked a box for us and a box to take to his Mom. All this wonderful stuff, but even I can't eat it all before it goes bad- tho I did wipe out the original picking of figs- what to do?
Well, this morning I discovered that the figs from JP's leaked juice on the fridge, so I decided to make 'figstuff' to freeze for winter. I looked at recipes on the internet, decided they were all complicated, so I just made it up based on what you do with cranberries and pumpkin candy. Into a pot went all the figs (destemmed and cut up), 2 cups of sugar, 2 cups of water, vanilla, cloves, ginger and cinnamon. Made the sugar/spice syrup first, then dumped in the figs- simmering for hours. Now it is getting nice and thick, golden brown and smells wonderful. When it cools I'll put it in containers and freeze it to use in baking/sauces this winter.
In the crockpot I cut up the okra, fresh tomatoes (peeled), onion and broth- will add red pepper, garlic and lime later. Cooking it slow, will contain it and freeze it for lunches at school.
Pears? Thinking of making pear butter, and just some cooked pears (they are the kind that is best cooked) ...any ideas?
In the meantime I cleaned the refrigerator out, tossed out the odd things that find there way into all fridges (the ketchup bottle with nary a ketchup left in it, the last tablespoon of butter, and endless crumbs). The kitchen feels clean and fresh, I'm wearing an apron and ready for my own tv show!
Seriously, I never cook. This is a once-a-season extravaganza. In fall, I make pies. At Christmas, cookies galore, in the Spring, I take a break (well, I do dye eggs). Summer apparently is fruit-and-vegetable time.
I have no illusions about the manz eating this stuff- just like most folks he doesn't care for okra or figs. That's ok though- for some reason it is the process that counts, makes me feel accomplished on the domestic front...and I know I have goodies for the back-to-school days ahead!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Adventures of the Grouchy Tourist!
Once upon a time there was a husband that was kidnapped by his wifey and taken on vacation, far far far away from his recliner, remote and cat. She insisted on doing fun things on vacation, like stopping at every state welcome center, taking lots of photos, staying at motels, having adventures and stopping for p-breaks.
These are the chronicals of the Grouchy Tourist~
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the adventure begins |
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"I defend my right not to stop until I'm ready to stop" |
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At least there are smoking rooms... |
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Welcome to Mississippi, GT! |
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GT finds a grouchy look-a-like in Mississippi |
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Leaning on Louisana.... |
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At least motels have cable....and remotes- if they only had recliners... |
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"Must you pick up EVERY pamphlet?" In Texas is where the real adventure began.... Grouchy Tourist ran into: |
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A dancing bear |
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A Texan auction-guy (this was outside the auction in Whitney) |
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and finally a bandito that escorted him to the border. |
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GT was glad to go home! |
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Texas Trip!
A new post because I couldn't get the captions to work with the text body....geekstuff, blahblahblah.
Anyhoo, we had a very successful Texas vacation- left early on July...that Monday....(I have lost all track of dates and times, everything gets blurry in the summer) drove to Vicksburg. All along the way we followed the tradition of stopping at state-line welcome centers for tons of pamphlets (I'm obsessed, anything free is good) and photo-ops. For the first photo, the sun was in the manz eyes, and he looked grumpy, so we decided to make it a theme- grumpy tourist pictures! I'm no good at it cause I always crack up, but he makes the best grumpy tourist faces ever. So the first day was all drive drive drive, the second day more driving (with a stop at Whataburger, which I never had before. I like 'em!) then arrival at Mother's....
We had a good long visit with Mother- stayed there several days- went to Kohl's, other shopping, her fantastic Kroger, out to eat at the Black-eyed Pea and On the Border. Good stuff. I ate at the dining room- the manz came along but there was a lack of manz-friendly food (they had a choice of eggplant or ribs), so he kept us company while we ate then slipped out later to Arby's. The eggplant was fantastic- he doesn't know what he is missing!- seriously, it was the best eggplant Parmesan that I have ever eaten. We took dessert back home for him- chocolate cake and coconut cake (the coconut cake story will deserve a blog entry all it's own)... Wanda came down to say hello- she is a lovely lady and I am so happy that Mother has a good friend like her, interesting and smart! Mother and I had 'quality time' while Charles went out adventuring in Big Lots with a list.... but, still being a watchful Mother, she made sure I had my naps every day! The view from her balcony is beautiful, and I loved sitting on it in the morning- the manz spent time out there, watching the fish circles and egrets. It was so good to see Mother and have some time together- I wish I could get out there more often....
Then we went on to Sue's, wish we could of stayed there longer also! We got to explore the shops in Whitney and the other-town-I-can-never-remember-the-name-of, eat at local places (Mexican- best beans ever and the elusive pumpkin candy, and the Cafe' with awesome coconut pie), watch all the cool animals visit the backyard. We saw the fox, a roadrunner, deers with their twin fawns, many humming birds. Saturday night we all went to a local auction, which is same-but-different from our auction. Best of all was a chance to hang out and talk, just indulge in the Texas atmosphere! We missed Tom because our trip collided with the Podlucky reunion, next time we will make sure we get to see everyone.
On the way home we decided to have some vacationy fun- we went to the huge first Monday flea market at Canton where the manz found the cowboy hat. (Isn't it dashing?!?! With the boots on and the hat, he is something else, gets lots of attention from the ladies and 'Sam Eliott' comments!) I found some green turquoise beads for a someday project. That night we stopped in Shreveport to play at Sam's Town casino. Even though I'm not a fan of games (I like to watch games, but not play them) I had huge fun playing the penny slots, and won about $30 all told. The manz likes blackjack, and he is good at it- won about $300.00. We stayed up *way* to late, but had a ball! We got up later the next morning (remember, 7 is late for us!) and started off. On the spur of the moment we decided to side trip up to Philadelphia, Mississippi where he used to live. The Choctaw reservation is there, and we stopped at the SilverStar casino. We had fun, but not wins like at Shreveport- we were both tuckered out and left early. Tuesday we drove home- which took till Midnight- and arrived tired but safe and sound.
List of Bests and Worsts:
1. Best Welcome Center Reststop: View: Vicksburg (Mississippi River, Twin Bridges, Cannons)
2. Best Welcome Center Reststop: Restrooms: Texas (Big, clean, light, automatic)
3. Best Welcome Center Reststop:: Friendliness: Louisiana (On the way- they are hilarious! Of course, it was helped along with a confused grumpy Asian guy carring a metal dog bowl full of fried chicken. He kept trying to find a place to wash the bowl, the rest stop was under construction, he couldn't understand English, and wandered off into employee's-only territory looking for a sink.)
4. Strangest Welcome Center Reststop giveaway: emery boards and toothbrush caps in Georgia.
5. First Oil Well spotted: Alabama
6. Coolest Animal: Pink lizard that I saved from being squashed in the hall way outside of the dining room at Mother's.
7. Best New Food: the Charro beans at 2 Amigos- these are *free*!!!!! for dine-in customers and are wonderful onion-smokey-bacony goodness.
8. Best Dessert: Coconut Cream Pie at the Cafe in Whitney.
9. Best Onion Rings: Whataburger (we were onion-ring focused)
10. Oddest thing in a store: A Mexican roadside store in Canton that had lots of metal sculpture outside, and inside huge piles of: skis, sleds and ice skates. Go figure. (it was 106 that day....)
and finally~
11. Handsomist Cowboy: MINE!
More Later- chores they are a callin'
Anyhoo, we had a very successful Texas vacation- left early on July...that Monday....(I have lost all track of dates and times, everything gets blurry in the summer) drove to Vicksburg. All along the way we followed the tradition of stopping at state-line welcome centers for tons of pamphlets (I'm obsessed, anything free is good) and photo-ops. For the first photo, the sun was in the manz eyes, and he looked grumpy, so we decided to make it a theme- grumpy tourist pictures! I'm no good at it cause I always crack up, but he makes the best grumpy tourist faces ever. So the first day was all drive drive drive, the second day more driving (with a stop at Whataburger, which I never had before. I like 'em!) then arrival at Mother's....
We had a good long visit with Mother- stayed there several days- went to Kohl's, other shopping, her fantastic Kroger, out to eat at the Black-eyed Pea and On the Border. Good stuff. I ate at the dining room- the manz came along but there was a lack of manz-friendly food (they had a choice of eggplant or ribs), so he kept us company while we ate then slipped out later to Arby's. The eggplant was fantastic- he doesn't know what he is missing!- seriously, it was the best eggplant Parmesan that I have ever eaten. We took dessert back home for him- chocolate cake and coconut cake (the coconut cake story will deserve a blog entry all it's own)... Wanda came down to say hello- she is a lovely lady and I am so happy that Mother has a good friend like her, interesting and smart! Mother and I had 'quality time' while Charles went out adventuring in Big Lots with a list.... but, still being a watchful Mother, she made sure I had my naps every day! The view from her balcony is beautiful, and I loved sitting on it in the morning- the manz spent time out there, watching the fish circles and egrets. It was so good to see Mother and have some time together- I wish I could get out there more often....
Then we went on to Sue's, wish we could of stayed there longer also! We got to explore the shops in Whitney and the other-town-I-can-never-remember-the-name-of, eat at local places (Mexican- best beans ever and the elusive pumpkin candy, and the Cafe' with awesome coconut pie), watch all the cool animals visit the backyard. We saw the fox, a roadrunner, deers with their twin fawns, many humming birds. Saturday night we all went to a local auction, which is same-but-different from our auction. Best of all was a chance to hang out and talk, just indulge in the Texas atmosphere! We missed Tom because our trip collided with the Podlucky reunion, next time we will make sure we get to see everyone.
On the way home we decided to have some vacationy fun- we went to the huge first Monday flea market at Canton where the manz found the cowboy hat. (Isn't it dashing?!?! With the boots on and the hat, he is something else, gets lots of attention from the ladies and 'Sam Eliott' comments!) I found some green turquoise beads for a someday project. That night we stopped in Shreveport to play at Sam's Town casino. Even though I'm not a fan of games (I like to watch games, but not play them) I had huge fun playing the penny slots, and won about $30 all told. The manz likes blackjack, and he is good at it- won about $300.00. We stayed up *way* to late, but had a ball! We got up later the next morning (remember, 7 is late for us!) and started off. On the spur of the moment we decided to side trip up to Philadelphia, Mississippi where he used to live. The Choctaw reservation is there, and we stopped at the SilverStar casino. We had fun, but not wins like at Shreveport- we were both tuckered out and left early. Tuesday we drove home- which took till Midnight- and arrived tired but safe and sound.
List of Bests and Worsts:
1. Best Welcome Center Reststop: View: Vicksburg (Mississippi River, Twin Bridges, Cannons)
2. Best Welcome Center Reststop: Restrooms: Texas (Big, clean, light, automatic)
3. Best Welcome Center Reststop:: Friendliness: Louisiana (On the way- they are hilarious! Of course, it was helped along with a confused grumpy Asian guy carring a metal dog bowl full of fried chicken. He kept trying to find a place to wash the bowl, the rest stop was under construction, he couldn't understand English, and wandered off into employee's-only territory looking for a sink.)
4. Strangest Welcome Center Reststop giveaway: emery boards and toothbrush caps in Georgia.
5. First Oil Well spotted: Alabama
6. Coolest Animal: Pink lizard that I saved from being squashed in the hall way outside of the dining room at Mother's.
7. Best New Food: the Charro beans at 2 Amigos- these are *free*!!!!! for dine-in customers and are wonderful onion-smokey-bacony goodness.
8. Best Dessert: Coconut Cream Pie at the Cafe in Whitney.
9. Best Onion Rings: Whataburger (we were onion-ring focused)
10. Oddest thing in a store: A Mexican roadside store in Canton that had lots of metal sculpture outside, and inside huge piles of: skis, sleds and ice skates. Go figure. (it was 106 that day....)
and finally~
11. Handsomist Cowboy: MINE!
More Later- chores they are a callin'
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