Turrello enjoying Dad's chair- he looks like a cow boy, eh? It's a special bond between Cat-Dad-Chair.....
Anyway, am back to school now, full steam ahead. Which means that until I adjust my schedual it's a bit like surfing in heavy water...you are thinking that you finally got it- stand up on the board- and WHOOM the next wave comes along and knocks you on your butt. So it's mad fun, but your always getting waved. I'll find my rythum soon tho, and things will be less hectic.
I have good intentions to be more balanced this year- but so far to balance I've been waking up at 4 (sometimes 3:30) not on purpose but just because I wake up and my mind starts racing with 'to do' and 'ideas'. It's ok, because I am such a morning person...and if I work at this hour I can relax and rest when I get home after school. Snuggle with the manz, draw things, watch shows, read a little. That works out. With my new energy levels (YAY) I can stay up until 9 or so, and wake early and be not-tired. But I want to be careful and not burn out- it's only week two!
School is going fine though- my classes are filled with pretty happy kids, a few girls-with-attitudes (they still model the eyerolling and the 'tshuh' noise when asked to do anything. I'm better at eyerolling than they are, and I just say 'yeaaaaah' or act odd - pirate noise- and it startles them into shape. I gave up being 'cool' long ago- I'm just me!) , an exchange student from China and assorted other miscreants. College classes are filled with freshman, who mainly use our 'discussion board' to try to hook up "You play soccccerrrr? WOW! I looooove soccer." (say it like it's pretty-girl voice, add visuals of hair twirling) (no, I'm not picking on the girls- but seriously- they write like this, and the guys- well, they discuss baseball. or football.) My classes are intense, but just because they are in the science/math department so there are actualy deadlines (!) and they are full of people who know-more-and-have-cooler-technology than me. It's ok though- I'll be fine.
Now, the manz is putting up with this beautifully... even though it's a 180 transistion from 'wife-at-home-doing-nothing' which was all summer to 'wife-in-high-gear'. He just maintains his zen like calm and good humor, does his manz-stuff and let's me range. How did I get so lucky?
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