Monday, October 4, 2010

No Resistance What so Ever

Did you know that German chocolate cake has nothing to do with Germans?  Nope, it was named that because German baking chocolate was used to make it- kinda like toll house cookies are associated with chocolate chips.  And German baking chocolate wasn't associated with Germany either- nope, just some guy named German that called his company that.

I like German chocolate cake, but I'm not usually rabid about it- but Charle's mum sent over some yesterday (along with meatloaf, corn, field peas mmmmmmmyummmy) and it is fantastic, even though not homemade.  Very chocolate, very moist with the sweet heavy icing that I love.  I don't care for whippy icing (why bother?) and I'm not that wild about cake (I'm a pie girl) but this cake is exceptional.  It goes on my great cakes, no willpower list.

It's fall, officially cool- down to 40 tonight- and the manz made a crockpot full of chicken and rice that was warm and comforting.  In the fall I love apples, wild grapes, popcorn, pies, sausages... not quite ready for the soups and stews of winter, but tangy comfort food.  Sauerkraut.  Pumpkin Candy.  Strong hot coffee.  Dark beer. Peppers. Colors of caramel, orange, bright purples, warm browns, russet- smell of leaves and cider, burning wood, sharp clean air.  Plaid things. Sweaters, rainboots, cowboy boots back out of storage. Horses... Bear is growing in her winter coat and is like a giant plush doggy, Max is wanting 'inside'- especially with all the wet.  The cat?  Turrello curls up on the heating pad when the manz has it- tropical to cozy, months changing quickly.  I want to curl up and sleep more- it's dark now in the morning when I wake up, gets darker quicker when I get home.  Time to become a house mouse again.

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