Monday, May 30, 2011
and the previous title means~
Forgot to mention it. Drempt (why is that not a word? it should be a word)....drempt of what to do for my final crafts exam last night. A five word exam: Tell Me What You Know. (of course, in reference to what they have learned in class, I will make that clear ahead of time). This is awesome because it is summative, doesn't require me using up my copies, differentiated for all learners and can be graded based on the students knowledge, comprehension of content and technical know-how. I'm thinking points for vocabulary, touching on all topics and how they relate craft to life and developmental stages, technical information/diagrams. Gonna try it out!
5 word exam
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Grace in progress: photography, ink, digital imaging |
I really like the silky look and flow of this- and the toned down colors with the blast of pink. Good contrast. I am going to experiment more, and as soon as I get some printer ink, print it out on silk. Then I'm thinking of working embroidery in silk thread and the smallest of glass/pearl beads- it has a waterfall/Geisha look that I want to bring out. It felt really good to play with a different media- I've been working in my sketchbook like a madwoman, but it's all mainly watercolor and ink (and some crayon yesterday-) and collage. Outside the sketchbook I've done a ton of bread-n-butter type painting for Springfest and the huge prom panels (which I love, btw, will put photos up after I take them- hopefully they survived)...but I'm in the mood for some diversity of art.
And now it is 6:39, and I suppose I will once again be responsible and wake up the husband, go sell things. I forgot my paints at school, so will have to settle for something else...and I need new ideas (stories) for projects. Projects that are doable (for some reason I've been dreaming of the abandoned mills at Johnstown- not sure if they even exist anymore, but I want to go photograph them, and Grandview, the Arch, other strange places up North).
Sunday, May 29, 2011
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Fire Mask, watercolor and ink |
So yesterday I took one of my weird naps (I am the *only* person who naps with the ac on, the fan on high and the electric blanket on high. perfect mixture of cool and warm and I can sleep forever- I drempt of blue and white puppies, little pitbulls, so cute. They were white with bluegray brindle spots...I miss Mother Time). And I did rest- napped and drew and watched tv with the man and played the stupid facebook game that I am addicted to (Gardens of Time). Thing about that game it is a hidden picture puzzle- which I've loved ever since Highlights magazine days- and you get to create a garden with plants, decorations and buildings from various points in time. This is fun because it lets me be kinda creative, reviews art history (they don't always tell you *where* the objects are from) and satisfies my need to acquire things and make them aesthetically pleasing. Other than that, I did virtual high school stuff for an hour or so, went to the grocery for a massive shopping for the month.....did the dishes. That's it. Lazy day.
Today I am a bit unmotivated because I am slightly cranky still, but what to do? It is what it is- so the best course is grace in action. I always stall like this before tackling projects that I know I will enjoy, but that I dread at the same time. And I have to work on the school/county web page, write my exams, write my ap summer stuff, set up the ap class online, register at ecu for fall, check the bank crap, deal with more financial aid forms (they never, ever end. I think everyone who uses financial aid in college should get a bonus degree in form-filling-out), and I want to clean off the porch, clean the house - am tired of it looking like wtw. Tomorrow we are planning to set up and sell, then go out to the farm for lunch. mmmmm.......hopefully there will be pickled beets or potato salad..... Anyway, I 'm not complaining about everything I have to do, but listing makes me feel better about it. Grace in action- take a deep breath, plunge in and just start swimming. Hope for the best and you never know- it just might happen.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Adventure, or I need a spa day. Bad.
Here I am, in the car, on the way home from Raleigh. I need a spa day bad, or at least a makeover- not that I've ever had each, but they sound nice. Instead, I had my version of an adventure. I had to go to Raleigh to sign papers for teaching at NCVPS, and Melissa and Michelle where going to be there, and Barleyjuice was playing at And this is how it went:
All week: worked like a madwoman to have all of the prom props painted before I left- lots of late evenings @ school, plus a band concert. Stressed about money, resolved that, stressed about car not working right-
Thursday: supposed to be observed- made sure all bells and whistles were in place, students compliant. Never showed up. Painted the last bit of prom art- a 3' x 4' copy of 'Starry Night' in 20 minutes during study hall with my fingers. *that* is some kind of record. Car working ok- Manz had it fixed by Dad's mechanic Ray (new waterpump)- went to get me a new tire when I got home from school @ 2 and packed. Began drive to Raleigh (apt. is for 4:30), Serpentine belt breaks halfway there- thankgod there was a service station right off the exit. Missed the apt, but after several many hours, car was fixed. In the meantime I sat in the lobby and did school work until the computer battery died....resumed trip to Raleigh.
Thursday night: @ hotel there is a Manga convention, which means hosts of teenagers dressed up in costumes based mainly on Japanese comics. With a herd of random Darth Vaders tossed in. And a few Furries. And assorted grown men trying very, very hard to pretend that they are *not* looking at teenage girls dressed in sailor-moon miniskirts with pink wigs and platform boots. We went to Tirannog, where the show was awesome, Aviator brewery was having a beer tasting (with free glasses if you bought a pint of the 'good stuff')... ruben sandwich and a bit of overindulgence. Was awesome getting to sit and talk and hang out- I've missed 'Miss Ball' so much!
Friday: woke up feeling like death (to old for late nights, even though I love our new free glasses- yes, plural). Went to sign papers, made it home. Went to sleep while understanding manz teased me.....
Point is, I am still at that awkward age. I am 47, mentally about 20. In my mind I am young enough to crave adventures, want to look good, know what all the current things are, and slack off.....and I'm sure this is influenced with hanging out with teenagers 80% of the time. I'm also old enough to know I am smart, and I feel guilty when I slack off, and know the difference between fantasy (20) and reality (47). However.... sometimes the mind and body don't seem to synchronize all that well and... bleah.
Lately I've been feeling particularly haggish. My hair needs dyed, my eyebrows plucked, I've gained the weight back (stress eating...and when I asked the new doctor about my struggle to gain weight, she just shrugged and said: "it's hard, isn't it?" which was not helpful at all. or encouraging. or adviceful- seriously, for my copay I should at least get either encouragement or a scolding.... or at least a 'participant' sticker). As usual, at the end of the year everything I own has paint on it somewhere, all of my shoes have holes in them and I'm feeling very, very haggish. In a perfect world I would go get my hair professionally dyed (only have once ever in my Texas, years ago), get my eyebrows waxed (and the legs! I hate shaving and never learned how to do it properly), suddenly be bestowed with 3 pairs of shoes (new rainbows, any kind of TOMS, and black lowtop chucks), jeans that fit, long comfy summer dresses, long skirts and amazing new shirts that didn't have: buttons,collars, glitter, stupid designs and showed off the boobs while hiding the tummy. And my art fat would disappear. And the doggs would get better and grow their fur back (Max is really in rough shape- vet again on Thursday. He eats and seems to feel ok, just fierce itching and fur loss- looks like one of the beasts people claim are el chupacabras)..... the manz needs new jeans and work boots....
the house is haggish to. needs cleaned, stuff tossed, the yarden mowed (I blame the dogg condition on some plant. like poison ivy or something).... sigh. and I have work to do for the virtual school, and Trask. What I want to do is go to the beach (take doggs swimming- think saltwater would be magic on them) read a good book that I haven't read before, find a way to get positive and motivated about dieting...just kinda change everything. and I know I'm whining- but sometimes that is what a blog is for since I don't keep a paper journal anymore.
And don't get me wrong- my life *is* very good, very busy, very happy- I'm lucky, in love with my husband (who loves me right back), love my family, friends, job, kids @ school.... I just want to look/feel better doing it.
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Virtual makeover in the soccer-mom mode. Now I look like all the other teachers. Actually, this was kinda fun- |
Monday, May 23, 2011
Mother sent me a version of this as a magazine clip- best advice ever. I'm trying : ) but just to add to the continued chain of events, I've been out of prozac for several days- to busy to phone dr.- when Charles called this am, they said "Your doctor is no longer with us. (Death? Rapture? ZA? or just Quit?) so you have to come in tomorrow am for a complete work up before we refill your meds. And that is like a kabillion dollars because a) I'm fat, so my insurance is higher, b) it's a different doctor so it will count as a 'new patient' (yes I phoned the insurance), c) it is still more reasonable than the expected bail will be if I snap. Though want to bet I'd still have to finish the prom props through my cell bars....just stick my hand out and they will put a roller in it and I'd be good to go.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Real Men Drink Juice Packs
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The manz @ Springfest |
Money. It's boring to talk about, stressful to think about and the bane of my existence. We do not live beyond our means at all, yet we are constantly broke, which is discouraging- mainly because there are few people that work as hard as we do. As I said, we make enough to cover the basics, but like so many there is always a choice: fix the car or go to the dentist (car. car = work = money. no one pays us for not having crap-all teeth). buy groceries or go to the beach (groceries. I love the beach and am wishing for it, but gas to beach = weeks worth of expenses). blah, blah, blah- it's boring. And stressful. Because I was working to much I filled out my ECU financial aid papers for the wrong year (next summer, not this summer) and did not have enough financial aid to cover my classes- plus with the teaching position there being struck (at least for summer, hopefully I will have it in the fall) I could not afford to pay tuition for summer out-of-pocket.... and then I got good news/bad news: good news is that the virtual high school hired me to teach photography this summer, bad news is that our pay there was cut by 1/3. Beggars can't be choosers- so I'll take it- but the kicker is that we don't get payed until after the courses are over in August, and then by student completion count. What that translates to is that I work all summer but only get paid when it is over, and only if Buffy doesn't space out and not finish the class....
Bright side. Looking on the bright side for all of this though, is that I will have more breathing room than taking on all these classes at once, and that is already making me feel less stressed. I've neglected the house, my self, poor max (who has horrible allergies to something and looks like a naked mole rat) and everything else- so maybe this way I'll have time to recenter and focus on these things which are important. Probably will not do much traveling after all this summer- no money and at the moment, no energy- but will try to find a way to get to Mother's- that is of top importance. It would be nice to have other adventures, see Melissa's new house, go to the games, but for now- I'm going to keep expectations low and life simple. Let's get through this week (prom) and see how we do~ if nothing else, we still have some left over juice packs to sustain us.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Springfest or Zombie Apocalypse?
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Santa Murete, from my sketchbook |
If there is a zombie apocalypse, I'll head to the city where the boy lives- way to many family graveyards in the country- and then onto someplace graveyard-free, like bird island. I could so do that... wait out eternity on bird island. I'm not to worried about zombies though- I read the handbook long ago, and hey, I've taught a high school 7am class....they are slow moving and easy to fool.
Seriously, I'm not worried.... either way- ZA or rapture, my student loans would be null and void, which would be awesome. And if nothing happens, well, I'll still have the tiki owls!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Claude Monet Was a Hipster
There is a girl in one of my classes that is a hipster. For those not in the know, hipsters wear skinny jeans, TOM's shoes (they are politically and environmentally correct, and even have designs by Dan Eldon. She has no idea of who Dan Eldon is, but still wears the shoes), cardigan sweatery-things. They have ethnic jewelry, hobo bags, know obscure bands- tend to be smart, have good manners in a beatnik kind of way (like they are being nice to you, not because manners are nice, but because it is nice to be nice to people less smart and sophisticated as they are). This girl is friendly and popular, was a homecoming queen nominee with enough gusto to ride a tricycle in the parade instead of a car, sneaks out of school constantly on Chinese food runs, makes excellent collages and is smart~ if I were to turn back time, she is who I would want to be like. Except I know who Dan Eldon is.
However, hipster I am not, even tho I have the hips and an abundance of vintage sweaters. In skinny jeans...well, lets not go there. Skinny and Me are oxymorons. For example, take Claude Monet above. A French painter who is highly thought of, by others and himself, Claude is right on the hipster fashion front line. He has the skinny pants, the TOMs type shapelessly stylish shoes, the odd hat, the creamy sweater with a vintage jacket. (which may not of been actually 'vintage' but just 'old'. Did people 100 + years ago use the word 'vintage' for anything but wine?). And the cane- so there is a bit of the urban pimpin style mixed in, which serves to make him edgy in an ironic way.
So...anyhoo, prom this year is yet another resurrection of the 'Paris' theme. Once again the prom committee is struggling to build an Eiffel tower out of a cardboard kit- over 100 pieces held together with hot glue to make a tower 17 feet tall. Which will probably be thrown away (again) because who can store a 17 foot tall Eiffel tower? I'm not doing that....I'm making the backdrops- a painting of a cafe', the Parisian skyline at night and something Monet-ish for a photo backdrop. (Just had a thought that I might have to use pastels because of lighting and glare on paint...ew....). So of course, instead of actually planning these, I found a photo of Monet and instantly recognized him as the hipster archetype, and collected him up in my sketchbook. And now I am sharing him with you- so when people ask 'why do people wear skinny jeans' you can blame it on self-centric French impressionists, and at least *sound* like a hipster.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Mid-May Nesting
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Nesting |
I am wanting to nest, but it is balanced with wanting to rest. I think of all the cleaning that needs done, and how I want this and that fixed in a certain way- like hauling all the crap on the porch to the dump, taking up the carpet in boys old room, painting and redoing and playing in the yarden-jungle. How I need to go through all the files on the computer and organize, delete, update. Clean out the studio at school, scrub sinks, paint tables. Throw away old clothes and broken shoes, shave 40 lbs off my body, scrub my mind clean of unnecessary worries. (the manz says I worry to much about all the wrong things~ ). I envy Melissa her new house, fresh start, cleaning and painting and arranging with a fresh slate. Sometimes- sometimes, awful though it would be, I wish for a tornado to blow all of this away (except the manz and critters) so I could just start over.... but then I would miss some things. We were talking about what we would save if a known disaster was headed our way (like the floods in Mississippi). Besides us and the critters, my choice would be: the painting of Uncle Jack, the drawing by Granny, all of my sketchbooks, Lassie-dog, the copperplates, some of the family photos (if I could find them. Because I collect old photos/documents, I have them stored in trunks, and am not sure what is where). Dad. The external hardrive for the computer (full of photos, papers I've written, all of our informations). Evee (the little computer). Everything else can go- be washed away. Save the living, the art, the memories.
All will be well, always
Sunday, May 1, 2011
May Day!I
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