School has been out for over a week now and summer is in full swing! We are back to setting up to sell on Thursdays and Saturdays- it's been feast or famine- and have a new selling buddy on site. Tracy (the produce guy from last year) moved down the street to a shady spot. Chicken Man (I have no idea what his real name is) is now in Tracy's spot- he has an assortment of chickens, biddies, guineas and the occasional duck or turkey. They are well cared for- kept shaded, watered- and I've been obsessed with taking photos and painting them. Occasionally he will have the odd bird in with the Rhode Island Reds and basic-white-chickens, like these black Polish roosters~ or big game birds, or tiny bantams that crow louder than anyone else. Chicken man is a character, little and wrinkled and toothless like a chicken, talks all the time either on the phone or to Charles. They get along and it is quite funny when they get to telling stories, even funnier when a bird jumps the box during transfer and they are chasing it around the parking lot like ..... like a couple of chickens.
Teaching online is good, time consuming because you are never 'off'- students call and text for immediate fixes. That's ok though, part of the job, which I like and am hopefully going to be good at. Fingers crossed.
Other news is that Holly Shelter is on fire- these are state game lands, peat pine swamp. They have been burning for a week, 21,000 acres so far. Somedays you can smell the smoke and their is ash on the car, other days nothing. Thing is, my road to the beach is closed for now, so I am staying home this am and grading, cleaning, instead of taking doggs for beach walks. Just as well, gas money doesn't grow on trees and yesterday was a fair dry day selling wise. (I did paint some chickens tho, and sold 2 Tiki Owls- ) Manz went to work with Suavey afterwards, has to go back this morning, off to Ms. May's church to work tomorrow. I worry about him working in this heat, but they are starting early in the morning and hoping to avoid it in that manner. And it's been oven-hot, more like August than June, but I love, love the heat so am ok with it. I'll take heat over cold anyday!
Last night drempt of rivers, hands painted blue, taking a math test. (stress dream that part). I did like the hands painted blue though- I felt like Krishna or some many armed Hindu god. Mysterious, impatient, powerful.