Shark teeth in a brass dish- from the driveway |
First of the Glads!
I am a very lucky woman- my husband not only loves me, but is still in love with me. He puts up with all my angst, shenanigans, work and paint everywhere....he works hard, but finds time to stop, look for treasures, bring them home. Little things- sharks teeth from the driveway, a rock shaped like a face, the first gladiola from the yarden carefully placed in a glass decanter in the studio. Things that he knows that I love, or will find beautiful, or curious. That is one of the reasons I love him dearly- not the gifts, but his constant attention to the world. The ability to look at the ordinary and find something extraordinary~ and know that I will treasure that as well. We are not of the shopping mall, and that perhaps is why I am not-so-great at buying gifts. I make things or find things and he is the same. We know what makes each other happy.
Today is the first of summer (I count by months- for me, June/July/August is summer) and it is hot, humid, breathless. The doggs are passed out on the kitchen floor, the cat in front of the fan, I am home from school but the manz is still working. The house is warm but pleasant, no sound but the ceiling fan and my typing- I like this stillness, it lets me slow back down and think. I am in the mood for a summer book, iced tea, afternoon naps. Walks on the beach. Painting in the sun. Singing in the car on the way to nowhere (I love it when he sings!). Long, slow days....
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