Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dress Up

If I was a Viking, I would sing really loud.  Take no prisoners.  Loot Walmart.  Discover a new land.  Travel by long boat, wear horns on my head and eat sheep.  If I was a Viking, my husband would be a....

Duuuuude!  A surfer.  He would ride the waves daily.  Use words like 'gnarly' and 'epic'.  Smell like salt and sand and blistex.  Wear Hawaiian shirts, flipflops and drink purple Powerade.  If I was a Viking and my husband was a Surfer, my son would be a...
Bear!  He would sleep all winter and wake up grouchy.  He would,look cuddly, be a little bit scary. He would live on berries and honey and stolen sandwiches.  If I was a Viking and my Husband was a Surfer and my son was a Bear, my best friend would be a....

Gypsy!  She would dance by moonlight.  Tell fortunes.  Know secrets. Travel all over and know all the words to all the songs.  She could build a campfire and cook wonderful things in tin cans.

We can be who we want to today.

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