Wednesday, August 3, 2011

El Diablito!

Yesterday was a day of the devil...after the icecream incident I went on a cleaning binge in the bedroom.  Every trunk, closet, drawer, suitcase and box was gone through.  Items were reduced to 'save' 'toss' 'donate' piles just like in hoarders....and I tossed lots of stuff that I had been saving for no apparent reason.  (Sheets for twin beds?  Why?  we haven't had one in years...since Grendel moved out and we sold his.  The sleeper couch is a double, our bed is a queen, and I see no twin beds in our future..and same goes for misc. tablecloths, mostly with stains, that were acquired along with box lots and saved for 'in case'.  I don't use table cloths- I use my quilt tops for that, and I do have a plain white one... so again, why?)

Anyway, after all this major cleaning and lint and dust, I have been congested and sneezing.   Happy, but noisy and drippy-nosed.  When the manz came come from work, he brought me a treat- you guessed it- ice cream.  I confessed my sin with the Mocha Mudslide...he was astonished.  I don't think he has ever met anyone who could eat so much icecream in one go..... so anyway, I put my treat aside.

Now this ice cream isn't regular stuff, he brought me a La Barisa Diablito, which is a Mexican ice pop- apricot, tamarind and chili.  It's lovely stuff, sweet and spicy and salty all at once. Later on, after dinner, he made me a surprise to help with my stuffy nose.  He let the icepop melt mostly, then mushed it up like a this he added a bit (quite a bit) of vodka, and mixed it up.  It was strong and hot and wonderful- not for the faint of heart because the chili intensifies as it melts.  My eyes were watering as I drank it, then in a few minutes I got all giddy, but boy did it clear out the sinuses!  After much deliberation, we have named this (the unpolitically correct name) of  Sneaking Hot Commie.   Name came because both the hot and the booze sneaks up on you- at first taste it is sweet/salt, then *pow* the hot kicks in, then *pow* giddy.  Commie because of the Vodka, of course.  I think this falls into the category of 'kill or cure', but it's my new favorite drink!

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