I make much ado about nothing~ quite often~ and yet, all of my 'ado' results in actions that usually (hopefully) have good results. (And by the way, I am over my nuclear anger from the other day. Issue resolved, life goes on, all is well. But sometimes a full-out meltdown is the only way to go- the only way I *can* go. Like forest fires, anger serves its purpose. Enough about that.)
Anyway, Ado. For several weeks I have intended to give the house a good cleaning, but have put if off due to school, being busy/ tired, and just because sometimes I can't get started on that. But Tom Podlucky was stopping in to visit on his way back from fishing, and *poof* the cleaning demons came. It must be understood that I love Tom Podlucky~ and the rest of my family~ dearly, but at the same time I always have a great insecurity about visits. Why? Because our house is tumbledown, I get awfully socially awkward, worry about the strangest things (nothing to drink! must go get sodas, something...) and I suppose am just self-conscious about 'presentation'. This is a puzzle, because I *know* that family is visiting to visit, not to inspect the kitchen sink, but yet I come from a family that cleans *everything* when anyone is expected. I remember dusting chair rails as a child, painting Sister Sue's closets on summer vacation, Mother moving furniture to dust underneath it, Granny Wrye cleaning with lacquer thinner. Barbie still takes a week off of work regularly to paint and clean. And it is not just about the visible- but the dust under chairs, the clutter in the drawers, the rooms no-one ever sees, the lining of drawers, the state of the interior of the onion-bin in the fridge. Things that no one who visits cares about or notices- yet we fret.
So in my state of ado, yesterday I managed the massive cleaning I had put off forever (well, more or less managed. Not the rose room or bear's room, and not totally thoroughly- but furniture was moved, floors mopped, sinks scrubbed...as well as cabinet doors. Curtains were washed, along with the rugs.... but I didn't get a chance to 'damp dust' yet...). Along with the cleaning, Traveler car - back from the mechanic- was inspected, oils changed, new tire, registered and ready for Grendel to use while we are gone. And Mr. Owens worked all day, and into the evening. Much done.
Tom came and visited- we sat in the living room and chatted about all of the going-ons of life in general and our upcoming trip. I love seeing Tom- he tells great stories, and manages to be both practical-sensible and good-mooded at the same time- no nonsense behind that friendly grin. He is someone whose judgement I trust, and who I respect highly, and that is one reason why I was so 'ado'- I should not want him to think poorly of me. Charles was able to take a few hours off (he is on call till Sunday night) and they talked about building things, repairing things, projects and man stuff. We all went out to dinner at the new Chinese place- it was good when Melissa and I went after they had just opened, but not-so-great last night.....even the frog legs weren't that good. (And as a measure of our community, they make sushi with *cooked* fish- because no one would eat the real stuff..... so it is kinda like tuna salad or salmon mousse in sushi form. bleah.) Tom went on to Raleigh, Charles back to work, I stayed up for all of maybe 15 minutes after feeding the dogs then simply collapsed into bed. Point is- we had a good time once I relaxed, and Tom *did not* care if I had cleaned the onion bin, and much ado was about nothing. But it did leave me with a marvelously clean house (in places), a sense of a hurdle leaped (we never have company other than Grendel or Melissa- and they have seen the absolute worst of my housekeeping) and a connection restored. Yes, the house still needs fixed, and more cleaning to be done always. Yes, the yarden needs mowed and tended to, the porch roof worked on and replaced (storm damage) and everything (including the doggs) power washed.... but did the world come to an end because these things were not done? No. Does Tom think any less of us because these things are not done? Well, it's not the way he'd do things- I know that- but hey, it's ok. We'll get it done all in good time, and I hope he enjoyed our little visit. Will this pattern of ado repeat itself the next time we have a visitor? Of course! We all do it, we all will continue to do it, and even at *this very moment* Mother is searching for a helper to move her furniture so she can dust underneath it. Well, we are coming to Texas this week, and I will be happy to do all the dusting she wants- even the chair rails.
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