Another season starts, and another post about my star- can't help it, I'm his biggest fan! September today, my official start of fall, time for school buses and apples, football game shenanigans, the smell of pumpkins and- even though it is hot out side- the time for hot tea is right around the corner. We had a very wet August, and everything is overgrown, swampy, green- thick with bugs, and frogs, and the largest skink I've ever seen lives around our porch. I'm back to school three-fold- somehow managing to work the first two weeks straight without much of a break- including weekends (work and football duty until 10pm), convocation, open houses live and virtual, and endless time spent on the computer. Although not officially notified, apparently I did not get the Raleigh job- and that is ok. Right now I am where I need to be, and my kids are their usual mix of excitement, drama and just plain pains in the patuska at times. I am playing ketchup already- computers haven't been working right at any of my schools, which leaves confusion for everyone and a lesson learned (hopefully) that major system switches should be accomplished *well ahead of time*. But I have some confidence and all will be well.
While I have been merely moseying along in my traces, my beloved Mr. Owens is shining his star. The photos above are from different days shooting "Revolution" (watch for the premiere of the show on Sept. 17)- he is in episode 5. I love his look in these photos- and I can clearly see why he is cast to do the things he does. Apparently he has charisma as well- everyone gets along with him, directors and pa's (what ever those are) as well as the other extras....and lunch conversation with one of the main characters (who came to talk to him)...which is very cool in my book. And we are on to the next step- for one of the films coming up from Atlanta, he not only made the first and second cut, but they asked for video with him going through specific emotions and reactions. This is for a possible 'featured extra', which is where you are not speaking, but you are part of the immediate scene instead of background. The only thing that we are having problems with is the crying part- learning to cry on cue is not easy for anyone- but we will work on that, have it filmed, edited and submitted by Monday. Keep your fingers crossed!
This is an amazing amount of fun- for me- I love hearing his stories from the set, the occasional movie-food he brings home (on the rare occasion that there are left-overs. Catering really is as good as they say- last thing was trout with a lemon-ginger glaze.... apparently most people went for the roast beef, so he brought me a heaped box of trout, fresh yellow squash and mixed veg. Healthy as well!) But he does work extremely long days. All last week his call times were well before 8, and after the first day, he had to travel 1 1/2 hours to the set. Days fairly much- save for one- lasted 14 or so hours, plus the drive home, get up do it again. The extras don't dare be late, or skip a day- but once you are there you may or may not be used, so it is lots of waiting. Which involves lots of conversation, snacks, games, Frisbee- of course, I would sit and draw- or try to- but then I would be covered in ink and they would get cranky with me. The movies that he worked on before this were at night- dinner time to sunup- and for the possible Atlanta one we don't know- except they were told to keep out of the sun, bathe in lemon juice to speed fading tans, and be skinny. (Which movie food doesn't help- though he can eat a horse and not gain an ounce). Mr. Owens is made for this- as I am made to teach and create. It is so nice to be loving what you do.
Right now- this Saturday morning- I stayed in bed very late, very very late, and am cleaning about the house. He is off working the 'knight in shining armor' tow-truck job, holiday weekend they need all hands on deck. For the first time all week it is sunny out, and I was able to evict the doggs to the yarden- little do they know that a bath is in their future. Even though I have (4!) long lists to accomplish this weekend, I feel happy and relaxed, enjoying the sun, the day, the first of fall.
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