Friday, October 5, 2012

If You Have to Vote for Somebody~

Vote for Kemo (me!).   This has got to be the most inventive homecoming give away ever.  Now, we have seen the candy, the glow sticks, t-shirts, hats, signs, necklaces including beads, plastic leis and even macaroni (which was the previous thrifty homecoming winner) but this is new.  Kemo, who I don't know well, is one of the football players who is running for king.  He came to the art room yesterday (accompanied by a few lady helpers! and his *own* supplies!) and politely asked if he could use some space to 'make stuff'.  They set up an assembly line, puffy paint, glitter...all of the expected.  They went to work amazingly fast, turned out batches of hand-decorated t-shirts, bubble wands, pencils and.... my favorite.... wash cloths.  He had bought the huge packs of white cloths at Walmart, and decorated them- one for every football player (complete with number, which is no easy thing in puffy paint), one for himself (above) and one for me ("Boo Thang" love Kemo)  which is proudly displayed on my board at school.  Now, all of this took 90 minutes- and just 3 of them working- while my class (group project with theater) scampered in an out.  These three focused, completed everything they brought- without my help- *and* cleaned up.  *and* said Thank-you.  I know who has my vote!  (Sorry to Pedro, Ethan, and the other guy...... but Kemo was amazing and polite).
And I'm a boo thang.

Now, let's think about this for a moment.  In the current world of politics, we have debates, nasty ads, endless trivial nonsense and I just don't discuss it.  Politics tends to be....well.... either aggravating, boring, or just .... ugh.  I'd rather have a coffee.  I *do* pay attention and have my thoughts, but I keep them to myself and would rather not argue about things.  Call it avoidance, or manners, or just- I'd rather have coffee.  But imagine a world where politicians were like homecoming candidates.   Yes, my vote would go for the guy (or gal) who is like Kemo- organized, efficient, works hard to create their own stuff, not afraid to try something new, cleans up after themselves and says thank-you.  And who is wise enough to know how to charm with a well placed compliment. In short, as the kids say, 'Boss'.

Anyway- that was a good end to yesterday- that and the band drops were successfully painted. I ended up crabby during one class because I was focused focused teaching, and most of the class was with me, and then they broke down.  I know they are kids and they get tired, and it just takes one rowdy person (who seems to dine on giant pixie sticks for lunch every day) to derail a class.  Especially when the teacher is a little tired, has lots to do, and is trying to explain something complicated.  I realised that I was going to fast and tried to slow down-- and I ended up blowing up regardless.  Not good.  Earlier the class had been so into it that some of them were singing along to 'American Pie' when I played part of the song (we were talking about symbols).... then....bleah.  And other things- namely a collusion of stuff that I was counting on others to do their part to and they just happily blew off their responsibility....which left me doing it, and no, I couldn't just let it go- because it has to be done and today I am going off to Raleigh for the weekend.  Consulting with the museum on a new course (fingers crossed they will hire me as a writer.  I would love to take a semester off online teaching and write instead- ) and working with Melissa on our conference presentations.  So it is a working weekend but a fun one, with grown-ups only.  A workcation.

Mr. Owens came home in the small hours of the night last night- Atlanta went great and he is back on for all next week- apparently will be 'featured featured'.  Fingers crossed for a speaking (or singing!) bit.... in the meantime, he has charmed everyone on set, is known for his amazing beard (and hair) and is shining like the star he is~ so very proud of him!  He needs a well deserved weekend off though to relax and do Mr. Owens stuff..... I miss him so when he is gone, and now I'm gone- we both have fun when we work, and all relationships are sweeter for a bit apart, but still- I miss my Owens.

And now I have to wrap work things up before getting ready to go-  I never dreamed long ago that work would be so constant.  Not hard, just never ending..... 9 to 5 is an illusion my friends, an illusion.

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