Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Blackberry Summer, or a Lesson From Karma

Blackberries from the Yarden @ Tanglewood

June 25th already- summer is passing and I do my best to hold onto it.  It feels a bit out of order because after school we usually do Texas first, then the Highland Games, then home stuff.... but this year is different.  Mr. Owens has been booked fair solid for June (Hooray! Look for him on Homeland!), I was worn out at the end of school, and so we are at home now, then the Games, then Texas in mid-late July.  Going (hopefully) to NM first to see Sister Sue, then to Mothers- plans, plans.  

And we all know what happens to the best laid plans of mice and men.  Cats.  No seriously, every summer I start off (just like in January) full of 'to-do's' and 'resolutions', then I worry myself to bits when I am not getting them done.  I get in a weird freezy state of 'I have a bunch to do, but I want to relax so I'm not doing it' which ends up in to many naps, unproductive time and alteration between nibbling on lettuce and tearing up the ice cream.  Then- just when I'm feeling compliant with this mud, karma steps in and gives me a good shake, let's me know I'd better get on with it.

Which brings us to yesterday- Monday, I think it was.  Mr. Owens away on set for the day/night- big plans to 'do things' for me.  I first had a grandiose plan of surprising him by painting the bathroom... but then decided not to after doing some research and deciding that extremely high humidity was probably not the best time for a major painting expedition.  Then the new laptop came!  (Just a simple one, but good old Evie can't keep up with new technology anymore...) Yay!  Then I had plans of organizing files, getting a good start on next year, working on my current classes.... but first had to learn to negotiate Windows 8.... and the whole time it is raining.  Not just raining, but thunder/lightening/buckets of rain...it has been doing that for days but yesterday was intense.  Power went out so...naptime.  Which turned out to be a good thing.

When I woke up, power back on finally, I was lazy and indulgent- slumped on the couch, watched a movie, ate junk... had intermittent conversations with Mr. Owens between set breaks and weather killing our signal.  Finally gave up, said goodnight and headed off to bed....and Grendel called.  A going away party for a friend at Buffalo Wild Wings turned into chicken-in-the-throat.  They (Andrew and Caroline, great folks) got him to the hospital, waited for me to get there- and also stopped by to make sure Serene went out.  (Serene is the new dogg).  After the usual rotor routing, lecture etc, we headed home about 4.  I picked up Serene, bundled them both into the truck and came home.  What else to do?  Grendel is sleeping off the sedation on the couch, Serene has partied with Bear and Max- they are both worn out and sound asleep.  I am back up, intending to work, write, do things- while also keeping her in line (via waterbottle and 'No'), and watching the hoards of workers swarm over the pumping station across the street.  It shuts down everytime it rains hard, resulting in assorted red lights and alarms, nasty smells when they fix it and general chaos.  It's raining again now, and is supposed to continue all week.....

Anyway, karma.  Now I don't flatter myself enough to take all this personally, but I do consider this a wake-up call.  No wasting time worrying about wasting time- there is no profit in that. Find the grace in action, and do what you can to avoid the cosmic spray bottle.  

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