Valentine's weekend- and our 2 month anniversary- and snow! We woke up Saturday to a yarden full of snow, at least 6". I know this isn't much to some of you (Melissa!) but for down here it is like a miracle.
Saturday morning I kept taking pictures, even before it was light outside. The manz made a huge breakfast...then, we bundled up and headed out to play in the snow.
The snowus is made from snow mainly just from our cars- and hidden talents came swiftly to the surface. I started shaping the snowme while he toted snow- but I mostly just created a lump. (Hey! I heard that thought!) anyway, we switched and I happily ran about collecting buckets of snow and sticks while he put his artistic talents to use. The snowme actually *looks* like a snowman, plus his creative shaping..... all the neighbors driving by (of course, it was all guys at this hour) gave him 'thumbs up'! She is beautiful and I was amazed- while he was finishing her I started on the snowmanz. Not as impressively made (his head kept falling off) but he is tall and thin...the manz sculpted the face and I found some Spanish moss for the beard. Then he came up with the idea for the sign- a bit of paint and a few nails and we were finished!
I took pictures and sent them into CNN ireport- they 'vetted' them (meaning they were selected to 'belong' to Turner for use- they sent us paperwork, so that must make it official) and put them up on their web site. We do have the ireport link on our facebook pages- it was our 15 minutes of fame!
Anyway, *this* is what made the weekend special. Homemade romance. Making snowmen, driving around town to see the snow, sharing wedding photos with his folks, laughing at Turrello playing with the doggs, being together. All these years of Valentine's days, and I never knew- never really knew- how magical the day could be. It's about how you feel- that steady warm glow when you love and are loved- warm enough to keep you even in the snowiest of winters.