Nestle in the beard, nestle in the beard, nestle in the beard and purr purr purr....
Turrello likes to nestle in the beard, under the blanket, loves the manz- who sings to him the kitty song all low. Turrello just closes his eyes and snuggles right in...... today is cold and rainy, and I just finished talking on the phone to the manz (he calls me almost everyday when my day is done! yay) discussing dinner. The roast isn't ready, so it is hotdogs or out... I'd be happy with garlic bread (I can live on bread) but I'm happy with most anything. Just so it's warm and filling and I have a good hot cuppa tea in a while.
I have homework to do (of course) but the book is closer to being finished... will snuggle up and work on that. I have to photograph and resize pictures for class on Thursday, but it is a pain to try to do that when it is so dark. So...I'll photograph tomorrow am (supposedly sunny) and with a bit of luck all will be well. I just keep trying, moving right along.
But now the day is done and it's time for home and tea and love and rain on the roof. What could be better than that I'd like to know?
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