Outside the bedroom window, after the ice storm- a good reason to go no-where all weekend. Cozy in and do at-home things, mainly homework, watching shows with the Manz (who made feasts of mansketti, chili, garlic bread... big breakfasts of sausage, grits, eggs), and taking naps. (Hooray for the electric blanket!) I did stay rather drowsy all weekend though...
And now it's a new month, and new resolutions! I am determined not to let the blogging slide, and since I can now edit photos on Evie, I can happily write away in the morning while still being snug in my chair with coffee while the manz watches his show and pampers the cat. (Turello is the most pampered cat ever...he even has his own little song...that is tomorrow's post!)
Anyway school is going well enough- my classes at Trask are new and we are all in the honeymoon stage still... college classes are interesting but demanding. I have been spending alot of time on the virtual reality class, and doing studio work for my thesis. I need to commit time to working on my web page (learning dreamweaver), but I have stalled a bit this weekend and inspiration was.....napping. Which is ok, except I have a deadline tomorrow, and I need to have 2 more works done. Looks like me and the bigscreen tonight. The research class is going ok, a bit slower, will have a chance to work on that some this week (I have endless wrestling duty Wednesday... I can take Evie with me and write, write, write). Finished the taxes yesterday though, and now I have to do the FASFA, finish my essay for the doctoral program (it's the last part of the application that I have to do) .... ducks in a row, ducks in a row.
Then there's the whole national board thing- there is supposed to be a workshop on it Saturday, maybe I'll go this time. Argh. I just need to force myself to concentrate and focus. (Cookies help) But truthfully, I *can't* work *all* the time.... I need manz time, relax time (not when I'm sleeping) pet the doggies time (kitty likes to *play* with me- he gets all his pets from the manz). Call mum time, sisters time, friend time. Bath-n-book time. I do have all these things- I'm just feeling hyper this morning. In a good mood hyper way. In a shut my eyes to endless student loans and just move forward cause we might win the lottery or they might forgive them because I am such an awesome person kind of way. (other student loan solution is to just stay in school forever... which seriously is an option. I love school, am good at it and don't mind it at all...plus there are *really nice* tax breaks for students).
And now, it's oatmeal time. (see, that is my diet plan. Oatmeal during the week allows for manzmade breakfast extravaganzas on weekends....but sometimes he makes lovely toast for me. This morning though he is so comfy and the cat is snoring away on his lap...so I suppose I can make my own oatmeal. I am so spoiled! and it is so wonderful`)
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