This is our auction pal Little Jimmy. Tiny as he could be, and friendly- but has that combination of soft-talking and Pender County Mush-mouth accent. (Kyle has the exact same accent... it's a fast southern blur of wordage...) Anyhoo, Jimmy has been working the auction every since Robin got squashed by a phone booth. (Not permanently squashed, just out-of-commission squashed).
Last night was the auction... this last week was a blur, school work, testing and it just flew by without me blogging. I feel guilty! I need to make time for this, it's important, and my way of connecting to my faithful readers...and to myself. The bits and specs of life.
So, an update. School is ending and starting, it's been grades and paperwork and classes and learning curve for college. Taxes, FASFA, and Grendel forgot his jacket-coffeemaker-dishes-funnel..... Charles has been working with the auction everyday, getting this, picking up that, busy manz, even though they keep telling everyone they aren't making any money and are doooooooomed! I still have hope, just because the auction house is so very full of stuff that it would be a nightmare to clean it all out.
Would be easier to lose money than to move out~
Last night we acquired: light up yard deer for Christmas, a moving Frankenstein for Halloween, some brass for resale. An old quilt for 3$, not in great shape but make-something-out-of ok, and a beautiful quilt (a splurge! my fault- Charles almost fell off his feet-) for $35.00 Oak table for resale, assorted small stuff in box lots, an old cow creamer (it's lying down, not standing up... I wanted it, someone else got it in their box lots and they gave it to Charles). A collection of nice old photos from the 1880's, including a lovely 'cheesecake' one of a lady in her smalls. From the size of her legs and butt she was probably close to my size, but corseted to within an inch of her life- tiny waist but I bet she can't breathe! In the box with the old cheap quilt were 3 "gentlemans'' magazines from 1954, 64 and 70. Tame but one has a Ray Bradbury story I haven't read, and one has an interview with Cassius Clay before he became Muhammad Ali.
I had my customary auction Rib-b-que, and opted for a slice of ambrosia pie (good but not as fantastic as Charles's moms). My friends Brenda and Rochelle (and her son Noah) were there, as well as the auction usuals and one of Millie's Betties. (Millie/Brenda/Rochelle are all art or drama teachers... I've gotten them hooked on auctions. Odd thing is that everyone Millie knows is named Betty. Best-friend-betty, neighbor betty and last night it was cousin betty. Millie wasn't there because she was feeling icky.... but at least there was a betty in the house!) Noah bought a box of hand-written sheet music, and 4 big old pottery crocks/jugs for making stuff. Noah is one of those strange boys that does everything... he has many talents- and a graduate degree in theatre from SCAD- and does things like buys an organic pig, learns how to butcher it and put up the meat in various ways. I mean, that is pretty interesting, but I could not bear to hurt an animal (Noah is tender hearted to, don't know how he managed) and I prefer *not* to know my dinner before it was dinner. Suppose I'll just stick to All-Bran.
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