It's winter, and I'm lazy- already missed a day of blogging despite my best intentions. There is no excuse really, and it applies across the board... I know I have things to do, but I get distracted, butterfly off in circles and forget. Then - like last night- I was warm from a shower (it was soooo cold outside) and full from dinner... we were watching the Da Vinci Code and I was sound asleep in my chair by 7:30. All I want to do is cozy in and hibernate, drink warm drinks, eat comfort food (which is not on the diet at all) and take naps (despite my to-do list). At work I'm just drifting from one class to another, seemingly asleep...just like the kids. Hard to be enthusiastic at the end of the semester.
Yesterday though, Manz again surprised me- he had been out working all day in the cold, loading the contents of a house to be auctioned. It filled up the entire big green trailer and Esmeralda.... during the process he found me a few treasures in the metal pile- a set of curious large iron rings, a beautiful pair of shears rusted shut, and this lovely horseshoe. It was sitting on a (bell pull? well pump? somewhere) and was upside down- he rescued it from the trash pile and brought it home. It's a real horseshoe, with signs of age and wear, rusted and lucky. I've been wanting a horseshoe for the longest time, but like all lucky things, horseshoes have rules in order to work. You can't buy them. They can't be new. They must of been worn. You place them open-side-up, to hold the luck in- rather like a cup. They go above a door, or on a post, or on the chimney- mine is temporarily in the cauldron in the fireplace. That's ok- it will gather luck there until we put it up proper.
One reason I love the manz so much is that he knows me so well- he knows that gifts of magic and luck, found treasures like this mean so much more to me than anything acquired in a store. They show thoughtfulness and observation, respect for my weird ways, knowledge of my soul. I love that- thank-you, beloved.
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