"The good things in life are not to be had singly but in a mixture"~ the inscription on the inside of the mortar, and an excellent thing to keep in mind heading into the new year.
This mortar and pestle came from the pharmacy estate auction- the auction on the first day of Spring, the auction where the Manz asked me out for the first time... prophecy, magic. By the first of winter we would be married. From singularity to a mixture.
I know that the new year will hold a mixture- good fortune and ill, accomplishments and delays, deaths, births and new beginnings. I hope that we can all meet them with some form of grace, endure the things we must, change what we can, remember what we hold dear.
The New Year is a time for resolutions, which I teach my kids are 're- solutions', or new ways of approaching life. A willingness to adapt and change, to try new paths where old have failed. Remix the variables until it all falls into place. And trust that it will.
Happy New Year, many blessings!
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