It's Saturday, I've a million and one things to do- new semester at college, exams at Trask, house that needs attention- but this morning I gave myself a time-out. Oh, I woke up at the usual time (around 5:30, the manz was long awake and had coffee made)... he made a big weekend breakfast- grits, sausage, eggs- and we watched a really odd cowboy movie then two episodes of Deadwood, which is really odd in an entirely different way. (Not for the faint of heart or those easily offended by language- but a great story). Then, even after two pots of kick-ass coffee, I was ready for a nap at 9..... The stress of napping over with, I landed in a hot hot bath with a book- 'Waiting for Normal' and ended up reading the whole thing. (not all in the bath, I just kept on afterwards until it was done)... now I have been productive in that I did the dishes and laundry, baked some cookies that aren't that great (I forgot to add the bits, so they are just kinda bland cinnamony. I'll take these to school maybe and make more for the manz), and disposed of two deceased mice. (The mouse problem is much better, thanks to the buzzy repellent things, a cat and the flock of guinea hens that hang out in the yarden). I even vacuumed! But nice lazy things like that- it's only a bit after one, and after this I will start on some school stuff.
Poor manz hasn't it so easy- it's cold today, bitter cold and gray. He went out to the store when I was napping and ended up coming home to change and go fix some frozen-broken waterlines on a house. So he is out in this, in his winter coveralls, under some house messing with pipes. Then he has to work the auction tonight- no rest for the weary as mother always said.
The book was good- it's actually a 'young adult' book. I read books out loud to my class when they are working (they actually ask for it) and I have learned (the hard way) to preview them first. I liked this book but they will find it to young - the main character is only in middle school. Funny, while it might be beyond their reading level they demand 'edgy' topics. Drugs, sex and vampires.... so far we have read 'Holes', 'Lord of the Flies', 'Alt Ed'... I refuse to read 'Twilight' out loud- not that it's a bad book, I'm just tired of it.... actually, their favorite thing so far has been 'The Urban Reader'. That book is a collection of true case studies from 1971. Stories from New York City, they deal with gangs, addiction, immigration and crime. It's odd how the kids like them- the titles are sensational but then it is like reading out loud a newspaper- full of dates and city departments in charge of this or that, and statistics. Still they listen. Maybe I am underestimating them, maybe they are just sleeping with their eyes open, maybe something sinks in. All we can do is hope.
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