Isn't it odd how things happen in threes? Just a week ago Saturday, we were set up selling stuff out by the stockyards and....crash! Car meets telephone pole (and another car). Charles called 911, went over and stayed there until the cops-n-stuff arrived. Excitement! and everyone was ok, except being sore from the airbags. Of course, without the air bags they would of been squished, so that is a good thing.
Thursday night- I had been up since 2am working- it was dark out and I was finally persuaded to stop and take a shower. After I got out of the shower, the manz was running through the house (stylishly attired in soft pants, scad shirt and untied work boots, hair flying) looking for his cell phone. A woman had tried to avoid "a black dog" and had crossed the road and upended on her roof across from our house. Again, the call to 911, and directing traffic (I was worried he would get squashed even though they gave him a vest) ..... again, she made it- but they had to jaws-of-life her out of the car.
Then today I was napping until Bear (and ...a...um.... 'episode of flatulence') woke me up) I just got up, fed the doggs (who oddly were not interested in food, or staying inside) when the manz came running in yet again. I thought he just got back from work, but he had been watering the flowers when *squeal-crash* another car flipped over on it's roof and was skittering across the road. 911 again- no one was hurt- the two guys (a dad and son combo) in the car were 'drunker than sh*t' and the cops had been after them since Wilmington. When they flipped the car over (I had never seen that before- the other night it was to dark to watch it flipped over) all this junk came tumbling out... the guys were just sitting on the road by the cop car displaying their lovely 'cracks of dawn' to all who drove by.
I am impressed and amazed by this man of mine. All this chaos and he is the one who was calm, called 911, told them what was going on, stayed until help arrived, helped direct traffic, answered the troopers questions and filled out all the paperwork...... I know that if (god forbid) I ever get in a mess I'd want someone like him there first.
Well, that was his three-time saving the day for this week-n-a-day..... he needs a break!
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