So folks, sorry for the looooong absence, but I'm back- and hopefully regular again. This past month plus has been busy, busy, busy....finishing all of the last minute school stuff, graduating, art shows, pepper's baby, and all those things. I tend to put things off, or at least I think I do, and the last few weeks of school were cycles of a few hours sleep between many hours of work- I'd go to bed at 9, be up at 1 or 2, take a nap around 4, back up at 5 off to school.... I could do it when I was younger, no worries- and I did it again, but it wore me out. Then I had to finish the national board renewal, so more of the same.... being a perfectionist doesn't help at all... then it was Springfest prep and painting/sewing. But it was worth it as we sold a few things that will help us through the rest of the month... (silly me, I was trying to get the bills straightened out, and ended up paying most of them twice. which is better than not paying them at all, but it put a big dent in the bank account). Let's see...what else... school meetings- end of the year stuff- and activities (preschool field day, special Olympics, senior projects- I can now make a reasonably realistic dead cat out of duct tape!) applying to the next round of grad school.... plus the menopause fairy has moved in and *that* is one roller coaster that I only want to ride once, please.
In the midst of all this was Graduation, which was lovely- I finally got my hood! yay! It has light blue velvet and the ECU purple/gold combination...stunning.... graduation was short and sweet, the professors kept making mistakes and forgetting to introduce each other, which was kinda funny. My cap wouldn't stay on- it was securely bobby pinned but then we had to take the pins out so we could take the cap off and get hooded by the professors.... my professor is all of 5 feet tall, so we had to kinda squat down.... then the cap went back on and it just didn't want to stay put. kept sliding off as I walked away (of course mine was the only one who misbehaved, but then no one else had fluffy hair- even my friend Keema had flat-ironed for the day) Charles's parents were there- they had gone to the wrong one first and had to be redirected across campus- it was great seeing them and then we all went out to lunch at a bbq place in Keenansville. The manz was there of course (yay!) and keeping me together- we only stopped at one tinsy yard sale on the way up (but we bought a rocking chair and two tables to resale)
All in all, it was short, sweet and wonderful.
Now it's all over, just a few more days of school left, gotta getta grendel, then one final Raleigh meeting and the Penderlea art show.... of course, right after Springfest I got the worst cold of the year (which has nothing to do with overwork, followed by gate duty at a night baseball game -cold- followed immediately by a day of sitting in 90 degree weather. and throw in a meeting with a sick parent who coughed on me) anyhoo, I slept all day Sunday, tried school on Monday ended up going a 1/2 day then to the dr., slept all day yesterday and am trying school again today. (poor kids need me- it's the end of the year and they are horribly neglected). I read two whole books during the last three days, and the manz has kept me in gatorade, chicken and toast........... I feel better, just can't talk much. tis ok.
I have lots to do still- I want to see Liz and Pepper's baby but don't dare until I'm better, I need to clean the house and do something with Grendel's room before he comes home, and I have to prep for Penderlea...plus school, of course. And the poor manz has been neglected- he thinks I'm just a blanketed lump in the bed that consumes endless amounts of kleenex and strawberries.... he has been doing *all* the work around the house for months plus his regular work and I know he is tired (but never complains). (The only thing he doesn't do is put away my laundry. He opens my drawers and cabinet- which are very messy- and just shakes his head, puts the pile on top of the dresser, shuts the drawer and walks away. I will do better, promise! I did get the messy genes in the family though- everyone else is a neat-nik)
It's finally raining, and I need to drink my coffee and get my act together. I know there are papers to grade and things to do, and I best get on with my day. Thank-you all for not abandoning me this past month, and understanding the whole 'in the bubble' thing.... Love you!
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