Most people don't think so, but truth is that I'm lazy. I haven't gotten grendel's room ready yet- and he is due home Thursday.... that is a big example. A little example is watermelons. Truth is, I like watermelons. And cantaloupes, honeydew, crenshaw...most melons... but I'm lazy. I don't know why but tackling a whole melon, cutting it up and wrapping the leftovers, dealing with the seeds and all that is just overpowering to me- too much work. The precut melons at the grocers always are mushy, and you can tell they have been trimmed from melons almost ready for the great melon graveyard in the sky. I like bites of melon at the stockyards where they are cut with machetes and offered in chunks on the tip of a knife. But I rarely take them because then I feel guilty for not buying one and if I do... it takes over the refrigerator because I am too lazy to cut it up and use it. I go for easy fruits, like peaches or berries.... they take zero work to eat, even less work than oranges and bananas. (I don't like bananas much, especially if they are at all spotty. If I have to eat a banana, make it frozen and chocolate covered please.... or in chunky monkey ice cream).... back to the melons. I don't know why it is- as much as I love to eat, some foods just seem to difficult to think about. Melons. Turkeys, whole Cabbages, Recipes-requiring-many-steps. I've given up on cooking except for baking, and that is limited to cake-box cookies- I don't mind the washing up and I love grocery shopping, but my cooking skills have packed their bags and left town. (The manz cooks way better than me, so that is a good thing-)
Perhaps I'm just tired, but I have always felt this way about melons. That's why as a kid I was in love with melon balls- they were super good and easy to deal with- no giant slippery wedge full of seeds, or puddle of juice, and the melon had to be fresh in order to make successful melon balls. I think they would be awesome frozen...if the melon ball fairy left some in the fridge....
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