This is one of the offerings we had at springfest- an old table and chairs painted with apples. Everyone liked it- and it was fun to do- and it sold (yay) for $75...the lady had me paint a milk can to match for $50 more (double yay)... we could use profits like this everyday. And I love to paint.
Today it is thick outside, humid and foggy- the same way it feels in my head and chest- all thick and bleah like. It's ok, the cold is getting better- I just feel stupid and half asleep - I can deal with half asleep but I hate feeling stupid. Makes me irritable (like I need any help! the hormones are doing that all by themselves)... wish I was at home with the manz, getting ready to sit outside and sell stuff (sunshine and fresh air would make me feel better I think) and painting all day. I love painting, making things, and I can't sit down without the hands starting on something- drawing usually, sometimes sewing, writing if I'm at the computer. (Evie is sick to, with a computer virus that I feel to stupid to fix at the moment. later when I feel sharper I'll tend to her). I love my kids at school, but right now they are so needy and clingy- anxious about separating for the summer or for the great beyond of adulthood. It's normal this fear- I understand it, like a rock understands the tide going in and out around it- but it can get annoying as they want to spend every minute in here, holding on to something that is leaving them by. I have to become the mama lama, nipping them away, and that makes me irritable to. I suppose we are all just ready for a break.
I want to be at home, to center my nest and give it a much needed thorough top-to-bottom cleaning, turn the boys room upside down and out so that it is fresh for him to come home to. I want to scrub the tub, smell paint and bleach, wash the winter and school and sick away. Manz has been working hard to do all the house chores while I've been at school- and he has done well- I need to do this cleaning to clean the cobwebs from my own head, center myself and begin a new chapter on a fresh page. (Queen of metaphors this morning. fever? antihistamines from the doctor? left over dreams? the effect of reading to much Margaret Atwood?)
Anyway, the band teacher is MIA (again) and LC is late, so I am off to cover their classes- together, all the aspiring stars of stage and screen. Vivant!
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