is what the manz says! This is the new sidewalk and driveway in progress- the guys across the road poured it today, Charles had framed it up. The stuff in the driveway is just a base layer thing- that will be framed up and poured as well, We are sooo lucky! hooray!
Today we set up to sell, because yesterday was rainy and bleah and I had to go to the dr's anyway. We had a great time today- it was perfect weather, bright and clear and not to hot. Windy, but that's ok. We sold couches, rocking chairs, bookcases, table + 6 chairs, lots of small stuff (hooray!)... hopefully tomorrow will be a good day as well and the rest of everything will move right along..... I like this whole selling-buying thing. The Manz has a knack for picking out what people like then selling it (for more than I would- I'm forever undervaluing stuff). Boy is catching on and is quite good at selling when the Manz is off delivering things. Me? I'm good at sitting (or standing) and painting- being the 'conversation starter'. Folks like to stop by just to see what I'm doing. We are a regular band of gypsies!
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