Friday, July 23, 2010


The last few days have been weird- the novasure went well, but the medicine keeps me wakeful and odd- I'm not quite thinking clear, me thinks.  I am drawing in pencil (which- while I need the practice- is not my thing) getting obsessed with other blogs ( and watching 'Hoarders',  (since there are only 2 full episodes of hoarders online, that didn't take long, but I spent ALL DAY yesterday lost in ugly house photos.  It's good for the ego though as it makes one feel very, very superior). 

Anyway, one of my late-night ideas was to start a blog for morninglory as an experimental advertising technique.  Let me explain:  Morninglory is the name of our business of reselling furniture etc.  We had talked about a shop, but have postponed that due to expense- instead we are selling on the web (craigslist, ebay, etsy) and during our weekly roadshows on Thursday/Saturday.  Right now, we are doing quite well- breaking a bit more than even, which is fine for a business less than 6 months old.  We have divisions of stuff- the basic furniture we sell at our roadshow, nicer furniture we sell by appointment or online, art and small collectibles that we sell at festivals and on the web.  Sneakily looking for a way to hook into the popularity of blogging (which I love to do, even if I am not as regular as before... I need some 'blog bran'. ew) anyhoo, I thought (in my late night hyperactivity) what if I make a blog that tells the stories of some of the interesting stuff we offer?  People who are curious about more information could go to the blog, and hopefully be captivated by my storytelling enough to fall in love with and purchase the item.  Maybe it will work, maybe not, but in the meantime, it's kinda fun!  (In the spirit of entrepreneurism I also started a Facebook page for Morninglory- please 'like' it ).  Anyway, the new blog is at:    Check it out!

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