This is my hair. I am having hair-issues at the moment. In the picture, it is not as gray as I think it is- but I do believe that the camera lies- along with the light in the studio. I usually dye my hair, but I haven't since early November. Lack of time, money, initiative, desire, whatever- I just don't feel like doing it. So I don't. Even though it is gray and streaky and the kids tease me. (I just tell them that they are the reason for the gray....)
I always liked the color of my hair, being a redhead is nice. I just wish the rest of it was more predictable. Some times it curls like crazy and looks fantastic- some times it looks like tumbleweed. Some times it just goes all limp and weird. And I *hate* my forehead. I try to keep bangs, but I have this cowlick that pushes them to the side, leaving just one curl in the middle. Which is cute when you are five, stupid when you are 45.
Ok- while I am ranting about hair, lets move on to haircuts. White people can't cut curly hair. They wet it down, comb it out straight, cut it and pretend it's fine. When it drys it shrinks by a bazillion inches and if you don't cut with the curl it gets all squirrley. Black people can cut curly hair- but they are expensive. Way to expensive. And because they have mad skills they never work at those cheapy places in walmart. So I let it grow.
I did cut it off once- it was short and, though other women loved it, men didn't like it and I ended up hating it. Short hair is just not me. At all. Never doing that again.
In a perfect world I would have the following: a gay man to dye my hair (they do a fantastic job. they pay attention and are detail oriented.) a black lady to cut it, and magic to keep it curly just so. In the meantime, there are hairpins and little butterfly clips that keep it contained. And I'm kinda curious about what it would look like if I just let all the color grow/wash out. Vision of letting it grow, letting it go to whatever color is natural, then figuring out something fantastic to do with it. Or I could just cut Grendel's hair off and make one kick-butt weave.
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