My Lucky Money Kitty- and some wind-up sushi. (mmm love sushi! mmmm) Money kitty is from Japan, by way of Southport...there used to be the most wonderful shop full of Asian imported things there. We all loved going there, and I was casual friends with the owners. Then they had to close the shop- reopened in Myrtle Beach- and I ended up moving way out here. Out here is where I acquired the wind up sushi oddly enough. Our local 'Small-mart' has the strangest things.
Money and I are not pals. We are in constant equilibrium that balances right around zero. Seriously, I do manage to pay all my bills on time. I live frugally- no cable tv, no cell phone, tumble down house, older car... I occasionally buy art supplies or the odd thing at the auction, but that means rarely spending over ten dollars and usually it's a useful something. Or a curious something. My clothes have been around forever, with the exception of my new rainbows (love, love, love the rainbows. worlds most perfect shoe)....So I have enough, but not a lot of extra. And that is ok, except I get all stressy if I think to hard about it. I hate paperwork, taxes, financial aid forms, balancing my accounts and all that. Every time I save we have a disaster of some sorts- which is ok, because I have the savings to fix it- but then I have to start over and that is frustrating.
However, I shouldn't be complaining. With the economy as bad as it is, and everyone getting laid off around here, I am glad that I have a stable job. I have tenure, have my pay divided into 12 month allotments now (so we won't be quite so desperate this summer) and don't mind living simply. It's probably not the money to day that I'm really stressy about- I think I'm just tired and need to center. When everything gets spun out of center, I end up tired and stressed and tend to put off recentering things- which is exactly what I need to do in order to feel better. Recentering means: taking care of paperwork, doing the dishes/laundry/misc. chores that I've put off this week (not like me to put things off, but have), complete a biggish task. And I need (argh- this sounds sooooo whiny) what Dr.C calls 'stroking'- just like Max, pet my head and tell me that I'm a "goooooood girl. gooooood girl" {except that Max is a: a dog, b: a boy, c: gender-confused. I am not a dog/boy/or gender confused. thank god for small favors!}
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