Daffodils are also known as Lenten Lilly (because of blooming during lent), Jonquils, Narcissus. One represents unrequited love but in groups they are joy, rebirth, eternal life, chivalry. They are one of the sigils of Wales, belong to Saint David, and form the crown of Persephone, Queen of the Underworld.
They are poisonous - I didn't know this- the word 'narcissus' is related to 'narcotic', when chewed the roots induce deep slumber that leads to death. Roman soldiers that were mortally wounded would chew the roots and drift off to eternal sleep. Amazing. Bunches of them in a room induce a hypnotic state and a headache from the concentrated smell. Personally, I love the smell- and while I have heaps of them around the house, I have yet to be hypnotized...lazy, yes, but I don't think I can blame that on the Daffodils.
I have started yet another book- this one a multi-colored journal Melissa gave me- that is a self-illustrated field guide to botanicals that are around here. I've always loved to collect, record, research, find out information. Art. Science. Magic.... so far in this book I have Daffodils, Black Medic and Bridal Bush... in the smaller book I have Rosemary, Horsenettle (a type of nightshade), Bear berry and several types of Holly. ... I started that book back at Christmas, but since decided that it is to small for the illustrations. Will use it instead for other things- the big book is better suited to the botanicals. I really should of been a companion of Darwins, or Sir James Fraser, or any of the other explorers who recorded the world and all of the curious things in it...
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