Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Heart in Hand

No, I didn't make this, but I like it and I think I am going to sew it out of felt.  I just want to embroider in the evenings- and my sketchbook is thus pitifully thin.  There is a season for everything however, and it is ok to take a break from drawing constantly every now and again- for the past two years I did 4 sketchbooks a year- which is an immense amount.  It's ok to slow down and do something different.

And it is finally February!  The month of hearts and roses, chocolates, groundhogs, presidents and love.  I proclaim the hat of the month the Gentleman's Top Hat, the fruit of the month the Cherry, the flower the Red Red Rose, the candy Chocolate (in a heart shaped box, filled with odd fillings- I always loved all of them, except for the nuts.), the animal the Groundhog, the bird the Cardinal- and the colors of the month black and white and warm bright red.  A month that is cold turning warm, where there should still be snow and ice- tapering off though.  A month of elegance and beauty and old-fashioned things, cut paper cards and surprises wrapped in lace.  Love songs, and chalky hearts with words on them- making things, writing poetry, thinking about love.

January is always a testing month- it is long and lean and brings the first challenges of the year.  For us it was health and money and quarreling and coming to new resolutions.  It was actually a fairly good start- because it wasn't an easy month, but once again we met the challenges, aired the grievances, found a new foundation that seems to be working so far.  (Communicate! Compromise! Care!).  Medical issues were tackled- the manz face is healing fine- dramatic scar but the bruising has mostly faded away.  Grendel is back to the dr. next week, and while he didn't get the job at Staples, he does have a date with Rachel  (who I highly approve of).  I've lost 10 pounds and even began exercising- walking and a tiny bit of a jog- due to the inspiration of my friend/ the band teacher Donna.  After being given the scary high-blood pressure warning by Dr. Lori, Donna started dieting and walking- just a bit a day- after the first few weeks (and amazing results) I asked her what she was doing and she started coaching me.  It really does help to do this with a friend- and when we walk around after school, we confess all of our food cravings and stories to each other.  Funny- the manz is always wondering what women talk about, and assume that it is our husbands/love life, children, jobs.....nope, instead we recall fondly of hot-fudge sundaes past, how much we can eat at one time (whole large pizza? check. 1/2 gallon of ice cream? check.), and what we are eating now (Yoplat makes a wonderful Greek Yogurt with cherries and pomegranates. Mr. Owens makes me incredible spicy baked fish.  Donna discovered low fat sharp cheddar stick cheese - but I can't have any because when I got some I ate the whole  package.  I'm NOT good at moderation, but I am a gold-star member of the 'clean plate club'!).  Anyway, she has lost 21 pounds, looks great and openly talks about it to everyone- it helps her be accountable- but so far she has gone from 265 to 245, her bp has dropped, and the change in energy is amazing.  We both have the same target goal- 160- but while I have less to lose, I lose slower- my metabolism is older, and I have the opposite type of bp problems- it is way to low.  Which means I've had to up the potassium quite a bit or I get fierce leg cramps, and I get cold.... but that's ok.  I'm motivated for now, and that is a good thing.

School is going well as well- the principal is over whatever crisis it was (testing? new superintendent? daughter a freshman in college?) and back to being cheerful and positive.  New classes, new kids that are really into what we are doing- both at Trask and at NCVPS (online school where I teach photography).  ECU classes are good, multimedia is fun and easyish, the other class is dry (technology administration, law and policy) but the professor is engaging.  Payday was finally last night (last school payday was *before Christmas*!) and all the bills are paid- that worry relieved.  (Even though I have a stable job, I never trust the paycheck until it is in the bank.)  

Mr. Owens and I are back on track- bumps in the road- we need to remember that communication and listening is key to resolving things.  And compromise of course.  Keep trying, keep trying and hope that things work out for the best- they usually do.

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