Monday, January 7, 2013

A Foot Above the Rest

Feet.  Biro in sketchbook.

It is no secret that I cannot watch TV without doing something else- usually sewing or drawing, sometimes eating (have to watch that!) or (when I'm lucky) snuggling.  Or massaging the Manz feet.  Feet are important things you know, and I took advantage of the rare sockless sighting of Mr. Owen's feet to draw them in all their bony glory... and then finished up with my right foot, complete with hole-in-sock.

Now, Mr. Owens's feet are rarely seen.  He doesn't believe in sandals, and they are normally icy-cold, requiring coverage in socks.  They are most happy when in his slippers (even though he got new ones for Christmas- slippers, not feet- he wears the old which are falling apart....), work best in his work boots, occasionally visit his sneakers, dress up in cowboy boots or the rare dress shoe.  On set, sometimes he has to wear *their* shoes, which make them a bit unhappy and in need of massages. 

My feet....are happiest naked, or at the most dressed in flipflops.  But they also don't like being cold, so winter socks are needed (thick heavy man socks- the long kind- not white-).  Shoes are required because school frowns on flipflops (even if they are my beloved rainbows), but I am not a 'shoe person' so I wear one of two things: my pink combat boots or my gray fake converse sneakers.  Both of these started out pristine, but have since been battered, splashed with ink an paint, and the Chucks have acquired a mysterious amount of unintentional glitter glue.  Still and all, I love them both, they are comfy, sensible-practical and provide good support.... speaking of which, I have an age-based confession to make: MOTHER WAS RIGHT.  Insoles and support hose are saving graces for sore feet/legs from standing all day on bad floors. hose at night (which are super sexy with my new hot pink fuzzy cheetah print pj's).  Oh- and I do have slippers- my black fuzzy ones that have a hole in the sole now, but like Mr. Owens, they are still the best.  Even though I abandon them around the house like giant black woolly worms.  

I'm not totally hopeless, I do have dress shoes- the sensible black pumps for interviews/ professional stuff and funerals, the knee-high brown lace up 'Stevie Nicks' leather boots that I bought for a wedding long ago (One of Sue's boys) and that I never wear but can't part with because they are beautiful, three pairs of old flat flats (tan, brown, black) that I wear to school when it is to hot to wear my boots with skirts. But these sit neglected in the closet... along with my emergency Wellingtons (for Hurricanes and Wet Yard Work) and battered Tom-type yard shoes (ancient relics).  I've never had a pedicure, but paint the toenails dutifully every summer (and stop sometime in the fall, where the paint commences to wear off... it is almost all gone now). I need to clip the nails- the regular ones are never an issue, but the big toe grows like crazy and gets all pointy sharp for some reason, creating holes in socks as seen in the drawing. (Mr. Owens has his share of socks-with-huge-holes, which have ended up in a box in the bedroom for the cat to play/sleep in. Spoiled!).

Today the weather man is promising "mid-winter warmness" but I am disbelieving him as it is below 40 and raining... so it is thick socks and pink boots, long skirt, shirt and sweater, all in shades of brown and red.  I feel rather Ridinghoodish, which is a good way to feel.  All I need is a basket full of pie~

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