Grendel-monster voodoo doll I made (sometime?) last year. It actually looks like him in an odd way- he is skinny, has super long hair (red not gray tho!) glasses....sometimes wears a utility kilt, is prone to leaping about unexpectedly. Anyway, I miss him. And not just cause he does the dishes and occasionally cooks dinner, takes care of the dogs and other boy-type chores.
He is thinking of transferring to UAT in Arizona- it was his first choice originally, but we thought Arizona was a bit far. Arizona *is* a bit far but I was younger when I moved across country to California by myself. They have more of a computer/programming based program than SCAD does, and he would like to go in that direction. They also offer courses on the psychology of games, which is another thing he might be interested in.... but he'll have to get used to not hauling all his stuff back and forth every time he comes home.
So, if all goes well, it will mean quite the road trip this summer. Actually, it will work out ok- I can merrily take advantage of my family again- here to T's house in Alabama, there to Mother's or Sue's around Dallas, then to Phoenix. Actually, UAT is in Tempe, but Tempe is Phoenix. Overnight in Phoenix, then back again. Unless I win the lottery which means I can go on to California or down to Mexico- both big want-to want-to destinations for me!
Isn't really all about me tho, it is about the monster and what he wants to do. UAT does offer online courses which means he could stay at home and do it, but I am a big believer in 'leaving the nest, learning to fly' so off he goes. And he is ok with that- Pender county is not exactly the hot spot of the Carolina's...... unless you like pigs-n-turkeys and turkeys can't fly.
We'll take care of him here at UAT. He will make a lot of friends and be on his way to succeeding in the field of his choice. Hope to see him and you on campus soon!!
ok you can count ballwife in on he olde road trip. I'm thinkin awesome momvan fun.
mmmmmmMOMVAN! that would be awesome...just worried about milage on your van, it's a kabillzillion miles away
no worries on mileage....think ADVENTURE.... Let's plan out time frame or time for trip...especially around Highland Games and all.
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