I love thrift store art- not to own it, but to take pictures of really bad paintings.... just to make me smile. This one, for instance, which is in Lonnie's shop up in Beulaville- you can just imagine what the artist was thinking.
"If I paint this and look at it every day, maybe I'll be inspired and NOT eat the tasty ice cream sundae...and I'll fit into my matching jeans-n-halter instead of rocking the muffin-top look..."
OR- glass half-full approach:
"Wow! I am a super hottie in my jeans-n-halter, and I can zip my zipper all by myself (without pliers...yes folks, there was a day in fashion where jeans were soooo tight that they should of been sold with pliers)...I am much sexier than this scrumptious ice cream sundae..."
Makes me tired. Actually, I am dieting again... doing ok, lost 10 and keeping it off... trying to eat sensibly (the wondrous delights of all-bran and yogurt, rice cakes with peanut butter, lots of fruit and manz-made dinners, which are protein and vegetables). But then they have to go and invent something new, yummy and addictive- like coconut M&M's. We tried some the other day- they are crunchy, chocolate goodness with enough coconut to let you say "mmmmm...tropical". And then there is the new Blue-bunny "Peanut butter Cookie" ice cream. Swirls of peanut butter (like the Valley Dairy peanut butter ice cream of long ago) with bits of cookie that somehow magically stay crunchy.... So far I have resisted all but a few bites begged from the Manz... (actually, that works well. I have my treat but it is rationed...)
So far so good, and I like that my jeans are looser and that I have more energy. Which doesn't stop me from dreaming of goodies galore, or indulging in the occasional rib-b-que (another addiction, but only available at the auction.... with lots of pickles).
I too have discovered peanut butter cookie ice cream! cannot buy it, it is way toooooo good. I know your dieting pain and I share it!!! BS
ps. remember Shaffers?
Shaffers was the best. Teaberry, blackberry...mmmm.... and Alwines with the big spinny ceiling fans.
remember when we went to Shaffers the first day they opened in the spring...it was rainy and cold but there were lots of people there.bs
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