These are wonderful. Beyond wonderful. And that beloved, wonderful manz surprised me yesterday with a pack- during date night- and then hid another pack for me to discover in the bread box. MMMMmmmmm nothing better than coconut M&M's on a Saturday where you just want to lay back and not do much o' nothing.
(Except, of course, I have a ton of things to do- which I will start on in a bit. M&M's are girl fuel)
Yesterday I was busy at school all day teaching and painting the band backdrops- almost finished there. Funny, I think of it as just the 'band backdrops' when in reality it is a giant 6 panel painting. Each panel is approximately 4' x 8' so that totals out at being- what 24' x 8'? That's a humongous painting. Grendel designed it, and did the prep work, I finished it.... anyway, came home all smelly and paint splattered and disheveled (in manz words "What is your hair *doing*?) .... I hopped in the shower and then he surprised me by taking me out for Mexican at the new restaurant (which is good! not as authentic as Del Rio, but pretty tasty!) then to Walmart- he treated me to new pens! Sharpies and all!- then home for movies (the first part of Broken Trail- very good) and blender drinks (even better! Orange-pineapple blender drinks... I haven't had a blender drink in forever and ever, so this was a surprise!) and the M& M's..... Started watching an episode of numbers, and I promptly fell sound asleep in my chair. ...
Suppose I am not such a good date after all : ) but he loves me none the less!
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