Today it's raining. Yesterday it was quite nice- bright and sunny, not to hot- feeling like fall! The beloved manz had pulled his back Saturday at the auction, then again on Sunday helping his buddy tear down a barn-thing. Much pain and agony, and I *finally* got him to go to the emergency room at 6:30 yesterday morning. They took good care of him, poked and xrayed and gave shots and pills and steroids... I took the day off to take him there and just take good care all day. Which was fun, because I got to work on homework (when do I ever do anything else?), watch him sleep through movies, sneak oatmeal cookies (I swear I am never making them again- no resistance!), take a nice nap and cook dinner (Italian sausage with peppers, onions and perogies-yum!).
The helping part comes when I was doing my homework- working on my digital collages. I was combining images together (the one on the left is: frog + hydrangea + stained glass + hooked rug) when he woke up and began watching from his chair. Distance gives a whole different perspective, and he has a good eye for color and design- he helped me move things, layer and change colors. (Of course he kept finding 'faces' in everything- like cloud pictures- which of course had *nothing* to do with the medication)...
But it was such fun to have someone to work with, who would look and make suggestions and be honest about when things weren't working. The frog picture is not nearly done yet- photoshop takes just as long as 'handmade' art- the pattern doesn't quite match up and we decided that the edges of the squares need blurred a bit.... someday I'll teach him to use photoshop, I bet he could do some amazing things with it- he is allot more arty than he lets on.
Of course, when I returned to school I found out that my 2nd period class (who are normally good) were BAD and ran off the sub (more or less), actually it had more to do with a wandering pirate than my class itself. I found out who the pirate is, and he is banned from the art room much to his dismay. (Hint to all students: if you are going to skip class, don't terrorize someones sub, don't dress like a pirate, and DON'T carve your name into the table. You *will* get caught if you do these things. duh.) Other classes were ok, and then the dance team accidentally broke one of my tables in half... (a dancer sat on it. She is- seriously- all of 4'10" and 90 lbs... it cracked right down the middle) but Mr. Tim brought me 2 tables so all is well....
1 comment:
Pls take care of my future brother-in-law!!! Dont want him hobbling down the aisle.
Healing Hugs to Charles....BS
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