Mmmmmmanzmade Spaghetti. Last night, after a long day- it was seriously good. Absolutely perfect in a no-nonsense spaghetti way- thick sauce with meat, spices, lots of garlic. And more for lunch today- Hooray!
I love it that he cooks- not just because I am lazy about cooking, and cook strange 'girlfood' like eggplant, curries, tofu- but because he is such a good cook, and it makes me feel...cozy. I suppose you could take that feeling back to when I was little- Mother is an excellent cook, but Daddy loved to cook and gradually took over the kitchen. I remember him cooking and singing, or cooking while watching TV- when they moved to Minno drive everyone was banished from the basement kitchen, his lair. Good smells and radio music (or football) would drift up, but it was all a surprise until served. Do not disturb!
Manz is friendlier when cooking- and thinks of things like me liking cheese on eggs, butter on grits- and both before school. It doesn't matter if it is just hotdogs or a feast, it is all to the good. Now I do cook occasionally- sometimes I get in the mood and enjoy it- but I love to bake best. Always have. Grendel in his new apartment is (hopefully) learning to cook- I always tried to encourage him, and he learned a few things, but now it is time for sinking-or-swimming-or-endless ramen noodles.
Anyway, I am the envy of the hallway at lunch time when I heat up my leftovers- I felt marginally guilty while savoring the spaghetti today, my pal the Spanish teacher was nibbling at a cold, leftover chicken biscuit and the kids were picking at popcorn, while I had divine yumminess. And I didn't share a bite!
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