Thursday, December 31, 2009
turn of the year

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Right Way Ring and the Birthday~

Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!!!

Twas the morning of Christmas and all through the house-
Not a creature was stirring..... except Charles, who was up at 5 am getting Christmas started! He made coffee, let the doggies out, then woke me up... we watched a Christmas special (starring Rusty the Reindeer, the lesser known brother of Rudolph).
Then we woke up the boy, all snuggled in bed with the doggies (we let them back in)

Time for the Christmas Cuddle! Doggs and kitty, saying good morning... they got to open their presents first. Max ran off happily with his boney, but Bear was kinda clueless and more interested in the cats toys- flutter balls with feathers. Finally she got the idea and went off to the boy's room with her bone...

We took turns opening presents, starting with our stockings then moving on.... Grendel opened boxes of spices and ramen noodles, a crock pot for school (get the hint boyo?), his keyboard and programming book... then Charles told him to go unplug the lights. On the porch Santa had left the long-awaited puppy dogg chair!

The manz stocking was full of manz snacks- pistachios and licorice, and a sheriff's badge because there is a 'new sheriff in town' laying down the law! Movies from the boy, a red polo and a life is good shirt from me, and a painting of White Bear Whittington. Love the manz!

Must admit that my Christmas was the best- tea kettles from the boy, and the clever manz had a series of poem-cards that lead me on a scavenger hunt all around... things tucking in gourds, beside the mountain bear, hidden on the tree itself. Scarf and gloves, tights, gum, super 77 and new modpodge.... then the big surprise! Hidden in a bear ornament, the ring! Yay! Totally unexpected, beautiful, perfect.....

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I married a (W)rapper!

Monday, December 21, 2009
The Kiss

Kiss the bride! Another wedding photo- and for those of you that couldn't attend, the wedding day story:
It was cold that morning, clear but very cold- we rounded up the boy and headed over to the hotel to meet everyone for coffee and plans. The fellows headed out to home depot in search of the traditional wedding toilet, Grendel and Gabe back to the house to play video games, and the Sisters (Suzy, Barbie, Me and Melissa and Michelle) to Sams... where we snacked happily on samples, acquired the cakes and the flowers and bubbly grape juice for toasting. Then we went over to the dollar store for balloons, and became quite giddy collecting other wedding stuff including a tiara, garter, and clapping hands....
Then we went back over to the auction house, set out the cakes and things, one final check of plans and a quick look around. On to the hotel for the dressing of the bride! In the meantime, the toilet was delivered home (it wouldn't fit in the trunk, so it rode in back-seat splendor)... and the guys did guy stuff like eat lunch, take power naps (or intentional power naps...I don't think that really materialized) and Charles hung out at the auction house with the picture until the last moment...
So far so good, until the dressing of the bride. The underdressing was ok- pantyhose, dress-sausage-shaper thing, makeup and hair.... but the dress itself? fit fine the day before, but acquired a zipper disaster... first it stuck. then it separated. then it got all catywampus off track and refused to do anything at all. Much panicking, a frantic call to Sister Sue and a mad dash to the gas station for safety pins. Head over heels, a thousand safety pins later and it is on, more or less. The shawl is draped around and secured with even more pins.... and then the strap of the left shoe breaks. Ok, can tuck it under and handle. Everything is fine if I don't breathe and stand very still..... during this time manz calls, wondering if everything is ok and where we are (time is approaching and I was supposed to be at the auction house 15 minutes ago...) We assure him that all is manageable, I am not backing out but we might be a teensy bit late..... we arrive- meet Grendel and LC outback...no wedding music. That's ok, Jordan is there and will sing- I'll walk down the aisle to that.... untraditional but doable (seems to be a theme for the weddings)...
Grendel and I start down the aisle- everyone is there- the front pins on the dress give way but that is ok as long as I hold my flowers up and keep my arms in.....
Looking around- so many people! the regulars, the family, friends, students- current ones and some from back in my first year of teaching, a few unfamiliar faces that look puzzled (what is a wedding doing at an auction?!?) but happy. The preacher in his black robes, Christmas sweaters, Santa caps, Ariel's golden sparkly evening gown, Neena's explosion of hair and tattered white dress.... Grendel all formal and nervous, Charles looking polished and handsome and just a little frozen in place (we do have a great deer-in-headlights picture of the moment). The ceremony begins- it's traditional and somehow we make it through- a bit teary eyed, and I laughed (I always laugh) but it's meaningful and fun and forever and just grand. The kiss, applauded by the clappers, and it is sealed.
Back down to aisle to congratulations and cake, huge pot of vegetable soup. Posing for photos (send me some! hint hint) shaking hands, hugging. Jordan running around trying to make us a video diary, a concept which was apparently unfamiliar to most people as they didn't know what to do, or did nothing- tis ok, we will cherish what is on it- whatever that may be (haven't seen it yet- not edited.... waiting is the hardest part).... I am being friendly while becoming ever more worried about losing my dress. It's ok. Charles is more nervous now than before the wedding I think, scooped up for photos, trying to get the marriage licence squared away (we had a bad panic moment after the wedding when we couldn't find it- then realized that the preacher was supposed to keep it....) I hug everyone, laugh alot, babble about my dress (I'm the type that tells everything when I'm nervous) have fun. Wedding presents- sheets, a crockpot, photoframes, gift cards, two wedding albums (both are white and fluffy, one is in Spanish) and embroidered towels. Our beloved wife and husband mugs, the toilet. A big glass and iron decorative thing. (actually we opened things later, at home- they are snuggled around the Christmas tree, except for the mugs and crockpot which we are already using)....
Auction goes smoothly- we talk most of the time, watch the manz work, draw a bit (but not much, drawing skills way off tonight) win $50.00. Ada is given the painting, everyone seems to like it, she is touched and cries. Finish up, and the car is decorated with paint and ribbons, magnetic signs and a flag which blew away on the way home.... it is late, and cold, and we are very very happy on this the first night of our new lives. Thank-you, one and all.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
First Week!

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Today is the DAY!

Monday, December 7, 2009
Whoo Hair

Neena and Ariel have whoohair...(I'm calling that it because I am not sure what else to call it) but it is cool. and creative. and Neena's smells like candy because she used grape kool-aid to color it.
It's made of wool spun (Ariel can spin! yay!) from angora bunnies (and maybe some from Pete, the dead lama) and tied into their hair so that they can have all the fun of dreadlocks without the commitment.
Actually, I love it- it's fun, creative and why not? If I was a teenager again I hope that I'd be brave enough to do things like this (I was not a brave teenager, aside from the forays into Bellydance and Bagpipes) It's fun to watch the kids play with their appearances like this- the hair, the clothing- it's just fun. To often we worry about how others think of us, how we should look to be appropriate for our age, and we forget to play. To wear our 'holy' jeans (the manz favorite pair is held together only by love and good thoughts), our aprons (my favorite), whatever~ of course we have to temper things on a daily basis (functioning as adults after all) but sometimes- often- i just want to be me.
Today I was looking all teacherly- black skirt, gray sweater set, hair up.... then I switched my sweater for my painting hoody, covered the skirt with my big messy apron, and the hair is slowly escaping.... even though I had my apron on all day, the skirt has white blurbs on it where paint magically seeped through (that apron has so much paint on it that it might as well be plastic). But I worked hard on the painting today and I'm feeling much better, much more calm. (of course the undying admiration of students is good for the ego. they are so easily amazed, which builds my self-confidence, which helps me to paint faster/better) whew. and my studio stuff is safely shipped off to ECU, I checked on the marriage license, and looked up flowers on the web. ($10.00 at foodlion vs $89.00 at the florist. For 15 minutes and a toss- I'm going cheap)
So tonight, home and the famous man-sketti (and we will no longer discuss my turkey-based-fiasco of yesterday) grading the college kids, maybe cleaning around some. Having fun. Christmas lights. Starting to relax a bit... here's hoping!
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Part of a really bigish picture that I have been painting on all day- taking a blog break, then right back to work. Of course I have waited until the last minute, of course it is due next Saturday, of course I am getting married (YAY) next Saturday.....have a house to clean, shopping to do, not to mention finals for ECU, grading board posts and- oh yeah- my job.
Anyway, I forget how much I love to paint and how horrible I am at deadlines. and commissions. worry worry worry especially when people have to resemble reality, everyone is going to see it and be judging it (and hopefully not throwing stones at the artist), I have to make deadline (I always do, but that sometimes means keeping odd hours and working without end).... argh. WHY do I do this to myself??? Right now when I want to "relax and enjoy the wedding thing" I am flogging myself over this painting. Oh well, no cure for it except to suck it up and get it done, hon.
The wedding is only a week away! Actually, this time next week I am expecting to be clinging to the ceiling in anticipation- I am so excited! not to mention happy, thrilled and several other things (including thirsty. I am always thirsty lately- blaming it on heating.) Sorry about fussing (whining or whatever about this painting) ...I totally take responsibility for starting it late, but I have to vent somewhere.... and I'm not in a bad mood, actually I'm quite giddy. Which makes life interesting~
The manz is working so hard- of course he has a kabillion job-things to do, plus he is knocking out the living room floor, doing the bulk of the home-chores and decorating like mad for Christmas (the yard glows at night! lovely, bright, fun)....
Deep breath. This is our forever- I am so excited, want to be a good wife, do a good job, keep a happy home for our little family. My fingers are crossed to wish us luck, for everyone can use some. (and wouldn't winning the lottery be nice for a wedding present? of course, I still have to get this painting done, but hey~ )
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Snow Bears