Yo, hohoho dawgs! Wazzup? Did you know that I married a wrapper? Yep, and I am so glad that I did! Now, this wrapper is the bling-less kind who drives a big old Esmeralda bus instead of a limo, whose crib is a tumble-down-but-steadily-improving cottage, whose baby's mama is only mama to a cat (and a couple of doggs and the boy).....
Here is the manz himself wrapping presents with precision and an abundance of tape. Everything is precisely cut and folded, taped on most all edges with carefully coordinated wrapping paper- different designs for each person. A production involving gradual movement from the chair to the floor, acquisition of additional roles of scotch tape, and the occasional under layer of duct tape to secure the boxes. Perfection.
My presents on the other hand, for all of my artistic skill and training, tend to be lumpy with uneven cuts, an abundance of paper on one side and not enough on the other. I understand the *theory* of wrapping, but I tend to be doing a million things at once and thus.... I cover mistakes with a surplus of bows, ribbons and the occasional home-made snowflake. It's the thought that counts, right?
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