It has been a whole week of married bliss! Yay! I know you thought I fell off the world- no blogs for a week and after such a big occasion- well, truth is, I did fall off the world. Whoosh!
But in a good way- we 'honeymooned' Sunday and Monday.... Christmas shopping in Wilmington on Monday, and out to our first 'married folk' dinner at Texas Roadhouse (best baked sweet potato ever!). The rest of the week was finishing up school before holiday- Night of the Arts on Thursday-and I just kinda collapsed from over doing, which required lots of naps a few blender drinks and endless episodes of 'Deadwood' and 'Northern Exposure'...... Manz was a bit worn out to around the edges, but has been working busily on the bathroom floor (it looks great), Christmas lights, the auction and for cranky Miss Ann. I did finish up school and get my grades back- straight 100's- YAY! and now it is time for Christmas Holiday.
And me begging all of you- if you have wedding pictures, *please please please* email them to me so I can send them to Mother. Neena's camera messed up and she lost hers (and cried), LC is supposed to finish the video on Monday (but I can be patient- it is her first Christmas as a single mum and I know how that feels...) But I know Mother is dying to see some photos- and because I was the bride, I didn't take them. (not that coordinated). I do have a few that I am mailing her on Monday.... with some editing. (My butt vs. my dress... the dress lost. But that is another post)
anyhoo, we are happy happy married up folks now- it still feel like a dream, but I love it! (ok, butterfly mind of mine says "mention that last night you dreamt that you were a superhero whose costume was made entirely of minimarshmellows". And I will leave you today with that vision of loveliness....
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