Neena and Ariel have whoohair...(I'm calling that it because I am not sure what else to call it) but it is cool. and creative. and Neena's smells like candy because she used grape kool-aid to color it.
It's made of wool spun (Ariel can spin! yay!) from angora bunnies (and maybe some from Pete, the dead lama) and tied into their hair so that they can have all the fun of dreadlocks without the commitment.
Actually, I love it- it's fun, creative and why not? If I was a teenager again I hope that I'd be brave enough to do things like this (I was not a brave teenager, aside from the forays into Bellydance and Bagpipes) It's fun to watch the kids play with their appearances like this- the hair, the clothing- it's just fun. To often we worry about how others think of us, how we should look to be appropriate for our age, and we forget to play. To wear our 'holy' jeans (the manz favorite pair is held together only by love and good thoughts), our aprons (my favorite), whatever~ of course we have to temper things on a daily basis (functioning as adults after all) but sometimes- often- i just want to be me.
Today I was looking all teacherly- black skirt, gray sweater set, hair up.... then I switched my sweater for my painting hoody, covered the skirt with my big messy apron, and the hair is slowly escaping.... even though I had my apron on all day, the skirt has white blurbs on it where paint magically seeped through (that apron has so much paint on it that it might as well be plastic). But I worked hard on the painting today and I'm feeling much better, much more calm. (of course the undying admiration of students is good for the ego. they are so easily amazed, which builds my self-confidence, which helps me to paint faster/better) whew. and my studio stuff is safely shipped off to ECU, I checked on the marriage license, and looked up flowers on the web. ($10.00 at foodlion vs $89.00 at the florist. For 15 minutes and a toss- I'm going cheap)
So tonight, home and the famous man-sketti (and we will no longer discuss my turkey-based-fiasco of yesterday) grading the college kids, maybe cleaning around some. Having fun. Christmas lights. Starting to relax a bit... here's hoping!
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