Here we are on the night before! TODAY is the day- it's not even 5 yet and we are both awake and excited- and received the first present of the day: a lovely big mousie from Turrello (his FIRST mousie!) Yay! (we are not keeping it though- after it was thoroughly admired it was tossed into the yard).
Yesterday was busy but fun- I finished that painting, we went to get our marriage licence but they were closed for a Christmas party... so we wandered around Burgaw (which was fun) then went out to Charles' folks house, had lunch and acquired coolers.
Home, cleaned up a bit- our to dinner with everyone at the Mexican restaurant. Sue and Tom, Barbie and Tom, Grendel...Melissa, Michelle, their mom Marilyn, BJ and Margo and Gabe. Huge happy crowd of salsa eating people (ask Charles about the international sign for 'bring guacamole and sour cream').
Charles and the Toms and Grendel went after dinner to ice the drinks and finish prepping the auction for the wedding... Melissa, Michelle and I (and a very reluctant Gabe) went to get my eyebrows done, Barbie and Sue went off to talk at the hotel, and Marilyn/Margo and BJ went *somewhere* (involving shopping and something about 'lap dances'...hum....i'm guessing they had the bachelor party for us!) Then we came home and both fell sound asleep in our chairs while watching Deadwood.
Today is the day! (I keep saying that) I'm so excited! I don't care anymore if the house is clean or my website for school works, I don't care about anything except doing this! We are getting married- for real- really real- and moving on to our version of happy ever after. I'm head over heels in love, happier than I've ever been and ready to rumble! I love you manz, let's go!
1 comment:
You were absolutely radiant! Charles was one handsome groom!
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