Yesterday was the last day of school, and it was perfect. In early, work done and over- back home for a nap then beautification of the eyebrows at Walmart. It was blasting hot again, and the manz had worked all day, so I picked up some subs for dinner. We settled in with subs and the first few episodes of Carnivale (love it! one of my favorite shows ever) when in a bit there was a knock on our door.
It was the fellows from the workcrew across the street- we had let them set up a tent in our yard so they could have a shady spot to break in. Over the past few weeks of working here, they have become friends with Charles (their local connection for anything from scrap metal to the fire department to free watermelon).... They spend their free time away from home playing music, and asked if they could possibly play in our yarden for us. We got out the chairs, and all settled in (even the boy) for a few hours of music- with jokes and stories. They play old songs, bluegrass, many of them sing- we concerted until about 10 last night (everyone has to be up early for work). Check out the video of them playing and singing 'Old Red' - that was Bear's favorite I think...
It was a perfect way to start the summer- sitting under the stars in our own yard, fireflies flickering all around, good music, my manz singing and lots of laughing. Wish you all could of been here- it was one of those moments that lives forever.
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