The Penderlea museum day was yesterday- as well as graduation, auction and our anniversary (6 mths! Yay!) We were all up early and out to set up- this is a photo of part of our booth- I was really happy with the way it looked- interesting and fun, like a gypsy tent with all the scarves hanging. Lots of interest and compliments, not many sales (which is ok because this is the first year they included antique vendors, there were only 3- us plus our friends Rebecca and Cindy-) but connections, connections which are good things. And Cindy took the blueberry chairs to put in her store for next weekends blueberry festival- hopefully they will sell.
Was was uber-successful is the milkcan Charles is holding, even though politics played a major role in it's sale. I painted it with a picture of the museum on one side (yes, it's a house- but a special house) and blueberries, text on the other side (name of museum and date). It was part of the fundraiser auction- the museum gets 10%. We sweetened it to "the museum can have anything over $150.00"- not expecting it to really go that high, or at least I didn't expect it to- they sell for $50. But I wasn't counting on local politicians trying to out-community each other. The painting before the can sold for $250.00 to one of the politicians.... they started bidding on the can then and *wham* the other politician bid $500.00. Sold. Amazing- we made enough to make a profit for the day plus did well for the museum- very cool beans indeed.
So anyway, now I am toying with the idea of repainting the cow-can with blueberries for next week- it is the only can that hasn't sold- and while *I* like it you have got to play to your market.... I also want to change my last painting, which wasn't quite finished and not quite right- the wind blew it over and impaled it on a paintbrush so now it has a hole in the canvas...I see that as a divine sign to redo it, and experiment since its screwed up anyway.
Meanwhile, today I am supposed to be cleaning, doing my chores, finishing the vetting of the state standard course of study, prepping for the screen-test lesson tomorrow, but it is noon and I have no energy. I was up, then back for a nap at nine til eleven thirty, I can hardly keep my eyes open now.... makes me feel bad because the manz worked all day yesterday, was back at work this morning at 9 (at Angel's auctions first, then ours) and I haven't even managed to wash the dishes. The dr. put me on various meds including hormones, so far all they do is make me throw up at random moments and the situation seems worse. whine, whine, whine- am getting a second opinion at some point soon- I can't stand not being energetic, there is way to many things to do and enjoy to be sleeping all the time and complaining about it- I hate that but I can't seem to help it.
We did have a fun day yesterday though- these first six months have flown by, yet it seems as if we have been married forever. I have to say it to all of you who I doubted when you told me there "was someone out there for me" and I said "no, no, no".... you were right and I was wrong and I'm so very very glad that I was wrong! Long loves the manz!
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