Today was go-to-work-with-Dad-day! Charles had to go to Jacksonville to pack up and load a house-of-stuff for the auction, and there was a lack of usual help...so the monster got to go. I admit, I was wondering how it would work out- it's physical, obviously dirty, and lots and lots of lifting and carrying. But they came home with smiles on their faces, job well done and boy tuckered out (fell asleep in the truck on the way home, of course- car + boy = nap).
Work is a good thing- and physical work is good for a Grendel, plus profitable...and the whole male bonding (well, male bonding plus Ada and antiques). I'm a happy camper, and soon pizza will be here and everyone will be full and happy and snugged in on a rainy night.
I do love my men-folk!
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