Coolest album cover ever, just about. The top opens up like an old fashioned school desk, the kind I grew up with and was forever being sent to the hallway to clean. (It was such a messy nest that the lid wouldn't shut, and the teacher would exile me + desk to hallway while other people were at recess...) Anyway, I actually owned this album, one of my first- I didn't really like any of the songs (other than school's out) but the album was the most interesting thing to look at...
So today was the last student day, not so bad. One minor morning meltdown in my room (a senior's girlfriend's mum washed the pants he left on the girlfriend's bedroom floor and ruined his sign out sheet. She apologized, but he was telling the story at school and the girlfriend got upset and then meltdown for both of them. I got it sorted out, another sign out sheet and all is well. Still, if I were the mum, I would of KILLED him for leaving his pants on my daughter's bedroom floor. Any self-respecting boyfriend could of at least hung them on the door.... -my how times have changed!) Anyway, the movie we were supposed to watch was 'Remember the Titans' (again) so we ditched it for season one of the Xfiles (surprising- the majority of the kids had never heard of the Xfiles, and happily fell in love with it) The principal came in- brief fear of being in trouble for not watching the Titan move- but instead he was "ooooohhhh Which one is this? Season one? I haven't seen that for a long time.... Oh, must get back to work....to distracted" So life is good.
Tomorrow work, then doctor, Friday Raleigh, Saturday Penderlea Museum antique sale, then graduation, then auction.... Monday school and my screen test (maybe) for the International Academy (it's an online teaching gig), Tuesday/Wednesday the last teacher days... then freedom! Yay!
This years recap:
School was good, and not just because of my #1 parking spot (the reward for being teacher of the year- that and my shiny gold star). We only had one principal shift, when Claire King finished her internship (it was fun having her here, because they would mix up our phone numbers. Her husband always said "Hi Gorgeous!".... and I'd have baffled in-trouble kids showing up at the art room wondering why their teacher sent them here.....
But that all changed in December when I got married (YAY!) and became Mrs. Owens, or Rowens as it has become (R. Owens). The kids met and adopted Charles (Mr. Fuzzy) and lived in envy of my tales of hot breakfast, tasty dinners, and lunch surprises. Phone calls every afternoon, and everyone noticed I was greatly more cheerfuller (as they put it).
Anyhoo, I will miss these seniors- Sneaky, Neena and Ariel (with their lama fur hair) all the others. And I will miss school at ECU (even though I am going on with other things, they won't have the studio classes that were fun fun)...but I am proud of me for finishing, and for finishing my National Board Renewal. We get to the places we need to go.
So, summer time and summer goals for me:
1. get healthy
2. Texas trip to visit Mother and everyone!
3. go to the beach some.... I know tarballs are evil, but I also know that tar balls that have been in the water for a bit get hard and carveable. I can make stuff out of them....
4. Make lots of art things, write lots
5. Play with the house and yarden
7. Work on our Morninglory project (the store and selling things)
8. Spend time with the doggies
9. Not stress out about this online job, even if I get it.
10. ENJOY the manz, the boy, friends, family, adventures, the doggies and kitty, summer (heat! Hooray for heat!) and all the good things.
Basically, I just want to relax and be 'in the moment' for a change. I spent all year focused on deadlines- it was like running a race. I'm good at that, but I need some 'out to pasture time'......sugar.
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