I love my mother, I love being a mother. It's a wonderful thing- not easy, but wonderful none-the-less.
My mother is smart and beautiful, kind and funny, talented, brave and wise. She is also human- and we love her for that part as well- that is the part that creates *liking* her as well as loving her. It is easy to love someone because they are your mother... but it is rare when you like someone, just because of the person that they are. I like you mum! Count you friend.
I think I'm going to list things you taught me- one for each year- a long list but not covering the whole of it at all.
Here goes:
1. Eat a banana everyday
2. Oatmeal never hurt anyone.
3. The confidence to drive across country at a moment's notice
4. how to read a map
5. to not over-mix muffins so they will rise right
6. the names of flowers
7. how to crochet, even though I am bad at it (persevere)
8. how to embroider, which I am very good at
9. to not swear, ever (I'm trying!)
10. that cleaning day is Friday, and make sure to dust the chair rungs
11. lotion is the skins best friend
12. don't blow your nose- dab
13. Manners!
14. How to handle difficult people and still manage to love them (Granny Wrye and Jack...and me)
15. How to read. This shaped my whole life- thankyou!
16. All about color and beauty and design- mum, you are one of the most talented people I know, with a keen eye for shape and color and texture. I am an artist because YOU are an artist, even if you don't think so~
17. that the essentials of life are: support hose, emery boards and dove soap
18. to never lose my purse
19. to always carry tissues in that purse!
20. How to swim and love the water
21. How to make things out of nothing- my beloved cardboard 'Barbie house' and all the little furniture, the endless doll clothes
22. How to think and figure things out for myself. You always knew that fine line between 'helping' and 'doing it for me' and you didn't cross it~
23. Thank you for my curves!
24. to keep a mirror by the door
25. all the little magics- pennys above the lintel, wishing on horses, truths about brooms
26. that every day has it's 'low spot' and it is perfectly ok to rest
27. the art of napping!
28. How to appreciate old things and their histories- somehow I absorbed enough that I am able to 'wow' people by knowing the difference between 'Fenton' and 'Westmoreland', and I can spot 'Fostoria' at a 1,000 yards.
29. To never stop trying and how to be patient with people who are reluctant dragons. (I don't know how you lived through trying to teach me how to spell! I would of strangled me cheerfully)
30. To always include everyone, always ask- even if you know they are going to say no. Keep the lines of contact open.
31. Love of stories. In the car, on TV, in books and movies and paintings... everything has a story.
32. How to shop for a bargain, and look for signs of quality
33. I finally LIKE opera!!! (Bluebeards my favorite...) It took awhile, but now I know what you mean~
34. Grace
35. To be open minded, and accept peoples differences.
36. How to handle a crisis without getting all helpless and hysterical. I never knew until I had my own crisises how strong you are....
37. All about birds
38. How to train dogs (Ursula needs work... Max is perfect- just a few days with him and you worked miracles! Can I bring Ursula to visit?)
39. When to push my baby bird out of the nest so he could learn how to fly. He's flying mum! He's flying!
40. That people always remember redheads- we can't rob banks or get away with bad manners.
41. How to forgive.
42. To believe in love, enjoy Romance, appreciate the beauty of it
43. "A good cook never has a messy kitchen"
44. That I can do most anything I put my mind to~
45. Wear sunscreen every day.
and one to grow on: 46. How to tell people you love them, like them and they are part of your soul. I love you!