My first free weekend in forever- free as in no school work, no school activities (next weekend is 'spring fest') no company (though i like company- please visit) no boys (though i love my boy, but he has a few weeks of college left)... yay! just me and the mice. and the doggs, but they are outside which is a good thing. (I *highly* recommend the electric fence option- we are all so much happier...)
So today...I get to CLEAN! oolala! seriously, the house has been driving me nuts because I like it tidy and reasonably clean, but there are huge drifts of research books-n-papers all over the studio, it rained all week so the carpets and floors are covered with muddy-dogg prints, the laundry has been neglected and everything needs a good airing out and scrubbing. I am going to put on something old and comfy, call up some things to sing to (am feeling a bit gordon lightfooty today, maybe some neil diamond... yes, I know, but I know all the words!) and clean the crap out of this house. YAY!
In my fantasies of wants-n-needs, I want to fill one wall of the guest room with bookcases so that I can put some of these books on them- the books are taking over the house, but critical, critical.. and make the room into a larger apothecary for all my jars of weird stuff. (right now, beside my computer screen, there is a sweeting jar with rose-hip honey and a vintage bottle of 'Hoffmanns Troplen' that Charles found for me- ) But I haven't the cash for proper bookcases right now, and I need the studio ones in the studio... so it is a desire yet to be fulfilled. (I always look for bookcases at the auction, but they are expensive- everyone wants them. I can get the put-togethers at Wal-mart for $34.00 each, so could outfit the wall for less than $100.00 but I can't afford it...which I am going to happily blame on our pay cut)... My solution is that I am going to put a bunch of my vintage stuff up on the Etsy shop and hope someone will buy it. Otherwise, I will just make do as am champion at that.
Then tomorrow, it's me vs. yarden and another major mowing adventure. Car needs cleaned out as well- it has been home to school crap ... school is cold so I always have jackets and sweaters, which I wear to the car at the end of the day. Then it is a kabillion degrees so I take them off and toss them in the backseat, where they accumulate. It rather looks as if I live in my car as there are heaps of clothes, my rainboots and collection bags, a milkcrate of books (more books! even my car needs bookshelves!) fast food trash (the mango freezes at taco bell are addictive) and a travel mug. I want to get the car all sparkly so I can paint it- I am thinking about a blue rabbit and wild roses, more girly than my other cars. I used to paint blue rabbits all of the time... I miss having an artcar, and they have paved the road, the pollen is over, and why not?
Today I am full of wants and needs and hope to have the energy to match them. I'll do what I can and be happy with it- there are no prizes for getting it all done today (and it won't all get done today, I don't have that illusion) but in the meantime I'm going to have a rockin' good time doin it! YAY!
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