Enchanted objects are a part of everyone's lives, and you can tell a person by their objects. What they are, briefly, are objects that you must have, or acquire, collect or are attracted to for no good reason... but they are your props of existence. When you uncover someones objects, you know them better, can clue into some of the things they think are important, necessary.
For example, a few of mine are: black ink pens, scissors (I have twenty million pairs), big black sketchbook, bottles...etc. We all have them.
I am just discovering Charles's objects- for now, there is the Styrofoam cup, the hair brush, the hippie hand salve... This is the Styrofoam cup. It's been here a few days... washed, refilled, washed, refilled. There is a *real* cup with-a-lid, but it hasn't been moved in yet. And my girly-girl pink travel coffee-cups a) haven't the capacity and b) are girly-girl pink. So thus- liking insulation, straws and lids... the Styrofoam cup. I've gotten quite used to it- if it was a glass glass I would be obligated to retrieve it and wash it every now and again, but because it is Styrofoam, I am free to leave it alone. The hair brush(es) are important- and it's kinda funny- he has long hair and takes good care of it, brushes it often. Me? haven't brushed mine in.... years. I run my fingers through it in the shower and call it good. The hippie hand-salve is lemongrass and was originally a gift from Melissa. (I looooove the smell of lemongrass). Because he works hard and has toughened hands, the salve keeps them comfortable... many other salves were tried out, but this is the best- I like the soy, but it hasn't the staying power or the lovely smell. In case your wondering, the hippie-hand stuff is made by Harmony Acres Soap company- it's good stuff.
This is one of the funnest parts of discovering each other- the little things the other person likes, the important common place objects we acquire, the small comforts that make us happy. And happy we are!
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