You know how a person is supposed to look like their pet? Well, Max has finally found his soul-mate. Just look at this. Hair? Curly. check. Knot-on-head? check... now check out the forehead and nose, the acceptable chair-position... the overall leanness, pleasant attitude and fun-ability. Match made in heaven.
Max still loves me... BUT... he has a big dog-crush on the manz. Goes to him first, falls asleep with his head on the knee, or resting on the foot, does his special 'itchy-dogg-butt-dance', comes when he calls (max has never come when I called in his entire max-life), waits patiently for pats and treats. Of course, being pampered has *nothing* to do with it... the extra bite of bacon (when a man-n-dogg share bacon, it is true love), making Bear go outside and letting Max stay in to snooze on the couch... playing fetch-the-dreidel, bringing over other favorite toys (like Rhino and the pinks)... I'm afraid that Max is smitten. Totally nose-over-tail full out adoration. The only thing that would make it better is if the Man wore pink (the Man *does not* wear pink... and is trying to persuade Max that red is just a 'manly' pink)
In the meantime, Bear and I eat all the cookies : )
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